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The impact of internal marketing and job satisfaction on service quality in the public health sector: the case of Zimbabwe=Umthelela Wezokumaketha Wangaphakathi kanye Nokuneliseka Kwezingabunjalo Losizo Emkhakhani wezempilo: Isimo Sase Zimbabwe.

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Despite the growing concern about service quality in the public health sector in the developing world, studies focusing on internal marketing, job satisfaction and service quality in the public health sector are significantly missing in Zimbabwe. The major purpose of this study was to determine the influence of internal marketing and job satisfaction on service quality in the public health sector of Zimbabwe. The current study sought to answer the following questions: What is the influence of internal marketing on job satisfaction in the public health sector? What is the impact of job satisfaction on service quality in the public health sector? And, what is the effect of internal marketing on service quality in the public health sector? A pragmatic philosophy was adopted by the researcher in the current study, which resulted in the use of a mixed-method approach. The mixed-method approach allowed the researcher to use quantitative and qualitative techniques in the same study. A case study design was used, which allowed the researcher to concentrate his efforts on public health workers at Chitungwiza Central Hospital found to have an informed and deep understanding of internal marketing, job satisfaction and service quality. In drawing the sample for the current study, the researcher used stratified sampling to select both health workers and patient participants. Data was collected from a sample of 573 participants who comprised 240 health employees and 333 patients using structured questionnaires and interviews. Quantitative data was then tested using descriptive statistics, multiple linear regressions, explanatory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural modelling. The study ascertained that strategic rewards and organisational structure have a positive relationship with job satisfaction; job satisfaction and service quality-patient are positively related; job satisfaction and service quality and service quality-employee rated are positively related; strategic rewards, organisational structure, organisational culture, and employee empowerment have a statistically significant relationship with both service quality employee-rated and patient-rated. Iqoqa Yize kunokukhula ngokukhathazeka ngezingabunjalo emkhakheni wezempilo kumazwe asathuthuka emhlabeni, ucwaningo olubuka izimakethe zangaphakathi, ukweneliseka ngomsebenzi kanye nosizo kulomkhakha kuyagqoza eZimbabwe. Inhloso enqala yalolu cwaningo kube wukuhlola umthelela wezimakethe zangaphakathi kanye nokweneliseka ngokomsebenzi nezingabunjalo emkhakheni wezempilo eZimbabwe. Lolu cwaningo luhlose ukuphendula lemibuzo elandelayo: Yini umthelela wezimakethe zangaphakathi ekugculisekeni ngokomsebenzi emkhakheni wezempilo? Yini umphumela wezimakethe zangaphakathi ekugculisekeni ngokomsebenzi emkhakheni wezempilo? Nokuthi, yini umsebenzi wezimakethe zangaphakathi ekugculisekeni ngokomsebenzi emkhakheni wezempilo? Injulalwazi ye-pragmatic philosophy isetshenziswe ngumcwaningi kulolu cwaningo, okuholele endleleni exubile yocwaningo. Le ndlela exubile yocwaningo ivumele umcwaningi ukuthi asebenzise amasu ekhwalithethivu nalawo ekhwantithethivu, kulo lolu cwaningo. Uhlaka locwaningo lusetshenziselwe ukuvumela umcwaningi ukuba agxile kubasebenzi bomkhakha wezempilo base Chitungwiza Central Hospital abavele njengababambi-qhaza abanothile ngolwazi lwezimakethe zangaphakathi, ukuneliseka ngokomsebenzi nezingabunjalo lokusiza. Ukutomula isampula kulolu cwaningo, umcwaningi usebenzise amasampula asakuhleleka ukuqoka abasebenzi bezempilo neziguli ezingababambiqhaza. Imininingo iqoqwe kubabambi-qhaza abangama-573 abaqukethe abasebenzi bezempilo abangama-240 neziguli ezingama-333 kusetshenziswa izinhlolombuzo ezihlelekile kanye nezingxoxo. Imininingo eyiKhwalithethivu ihlolwe kusetshenziswa izibalo ezichazayo (descriptive statistics) , i-multiple linear regressions, ukuhlaziya amaqiniso ngokuchazayo (explanatory factor analysis) , ukuhlaziya okuqinisekisayo (confirmatory factor analysis) kanye ne structural modelling. Ucwaningo lukuqinisekisile ubukhona bomvuzo ohleliwe kanye nokuhleleka kwesikhungo njengezinto ezenza umphumela omuhle ebudlelwaneni bokugculiseka ngokomsebenzi obuzingabunjalo kokusizakala kweziguli kanye nobuzingabunjalo bokusiza abasebenzi kuhlobene kahle; umvuzo ohleliwe, ukuhleleka kwesikhungo, usiko lwesikhungo kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwabasebenzi kunobudlelwane obumqoka ngokwezibalo nabasebenzi kanye neziguli ezikaliwe.


Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.

