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Item Cowpea seed quality in response to production site and water stress.(2007) Odindo, Alfred Oduor.; Modi, Albert Thembinkosi.; Southway, Colin.Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata. L) is an important African crop. However, it is also an underutilized grain legume. Consequently, there is not enough research data on cowpea seed physiology. Whereas there is evidence of cowpea being a drought tolerant crop, there is no evidence to associate plant drought tolerance with seed quality in response to water stress. This study sought to understand the effect of production site and water stress on cowpea seed quality development with respect to germination capacity and vigour. Patterns of raffinose family of oligosaccharides (RFO) during seed development to mature dry stage were used to physiologically relate seed performance to water stress. The effect of water stress and exogenous ABA on the accumulation of stress LEA proteins (dehydrins) in relation to seed quality development and germination was investigated. RFOs are known for their roles in desiccation sensitivity but no studies have shown their significance in cowpeas. Seeds of six cowpea cultivars were produced at two distinct growth sites characterised by irrigated and dry land conditions. The seeds were assessed during six developmental stages, for water content, dry matter accumulation, and performance. Harvested seeds were then planted in a pot experiment under controlled conditions to examine the effect of water stress on seed quality development and data collected during three developmental stages. Harvested seeds from the pot experiment were subsequently analyzed for changes in RFO accumulation during development using gas chromatography. The seeds were also used to investigate the effect of water stress and ABA on the accumulation of stress LEA proteins (dehydrins) in relation to seed quality development in cowpea. In addition, this study evaluated the use of image analysis as a method that can be used to objectively determine seed coat colour variation in cowpea. Statistical variation in individual seed’s solute leakage for cowpea cultivars differing in seed coat colour and produced under different environmental conditions was explored and correlations were done between seed conductivity test with other aspects of seed performance during germination. Furthermore the results of the conductivity test were compared with accelerated aging test, in relation to seed performance. The study provided evidence that cowpea seed lots produced under different environmental, and possibly management conditions may not differ with respect to seed quality as determined by germination capacity and vigour. However, significant differences between sites with respect to seed maturation patterns determined by water content and dry matter accumulation were observed. Adverse maternal environmental effects on the subsequent performance of seeds in a drought tolerant crop may not necessarily lead to poor performance. Cultivar differences in response to simulated drought conditions at the whole plant and tissue level can be considerable and highly variable; however, these differences may not have adverse effects on the germination and vigour of the seeds. Drought avoidance mechanisms at the whole plant level in cowpea are quite efficient in allowing the species to adapt to simulated drought conditions. These mechanisms may allow the cowpea cultivars to maintain metabolism and restore conditions for their continued growth under water stress; and produce few seeds of high germination capacity and vigour. Stachyose was found to be the predominant member of the raffinose family of oligosaccharides in cowpea. It is suggested that stachyose accumulation could be used as an indicator of stress tolerance in cowpea. However, the relationship between RFO concentration and the acquisition of desiccation remained as a matter of speculation in the present study and is still generally inconclusive. There was no evidence to suggest the acquisition of maximum desiccation tolerance is associated with maximum seed vigour. It is suggested in cowpea, which is drought tolerant, that maximum vigour does not necessarily imply the acquisition of maximum desiccation tolerance; rather there is a minimum level of desiccation tolerance that is required for the development of optimal seed vigour. The use of an in vivo approach in the study of LEA function in cowpea enabled the accurate comparison of two different groups of LEA proteins in developing cowpea seeds under conditions of water stress and in relation to germination and vigour. Both group 1 LEA and group 2 LEA (dehydrin) were shown to increase in concentration in response to water stress. In addition group 1 LEA protein was observed to be relatively abundant in cowpea seeds. A maternal influence on LEA protein gene expression under conditions of water stress, which may induce dehydrin accumulation vii during the earlier stages of seed development, was implied by the observation that dehydrin-like proteins were induced after two weeks of development in cowpea plants subjected to stress during the vegetative phase. In addition, the exogenous application of ABA delayed radicle protrusion; this was associated with a delay in the disappearance of LEA proteins and is suggestive of a relationship between LEA protein accumulation and the acquisition of desiccation tolerance. The study has demonstrated that image analysis can objectively discriminate seed coat colour variation in cowpea. Dark coloured seeds in general performed better than light coloured seeds; however seed coat colour was not always associated with better performance. A newly developed Aging Stress Differential Index (ASDI) has been used in this study to demonstrate a link between seed coat colour and sensitivity to water stress. The ASDI correlated well with the observations relating stress tolerance to stachyose accumulation. The skewed distribution patterns in individual electrical conductivity and the presence of extreme values may have implications with respect to the suitability of using standard statistical analyses which compare mean values to evaluate such data. In addition variation in individual electrical conductivity may also be influenced by cultivar differences and the chemical composition of the seed coat. Therefore associations between seed coat colour and electrical conductivity as a measure of performance should be treated with caution. The AA test does reflect changes in seed vigour, however ranked electrical conductivity values after AA did not consistently reflect differences in seed performance between cultivars and sites, and they did not correlate well with other aspects of performance.Item Responses of maize (Zea mays L.) landraces to water stress compared with commercial hybrids.(2009) Mabhaudhi, Tafadzwanashe.; Modi, Albert Thembinkosi.Local maize landraces have evolved over hundreds of years of natural and farmer selection under varying conditions. These landraces may have developed tolerance to abiotic stresses such as water deficits during this cycle of selection. However, despite its continued existence and importance, little is known on their agronomy and responses to water stress. If indeed landraces have developed tolerance to water stress, they may prove a key genetic resource for future crop improvement in light of increasing water scarcity. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the responses of a local maize landrace to water stress at different stages of growth in comparison to two known commercial hybrids, SC701 and SR52. Seed from a local maize landrace was multiplied and characterised according to kernel colour. Two distinct colours were selected for the purposes of this study, white (Land A) and dark red (Land B). In a holistic approach, the thesis consisted of four separate studies whose overall objective was to evaluate the responses of the maize landraces to water stress at different growth stages, up to and including yield and its components. These comprised three controlled environment studies (25°C; 60% RH) and a field trial. For the controlled environment, two water regimes were used, 25% field capacity (FC) (stress treatment) and 75% FC (non-stress). The first study investigated the effect of water stress on early establishment performance. Seed quality was evaluated using the standard germination test together with electrolyte leakage. Catalase activity and accumulation of proline were examined as seedling physiological response to water stress. The second study was conducted as a pot trial to investigate the effect of water stress on growth, photosynthesis and yield. Photosynthesis was measured as chlorophyll fluorescence (CF). In addition, a field study over three planting dates was conducted at Ukulinga Research Farm in Pietermaritzburg, under dryland conditions, during the period from August 2008 to June 2009. The objective was to evaluate the effect of planting dates and changing soil water content on growth, yield and yield components. Three planting dates were used, representative of early (28 August 2008), optimum (21 October 2008) and late planting (9 January 2009). Lastly, a study on hydro-priming was conducted, necessitated by observations made primarily in the first study. The study was carried out under controlled environment conditions. The objective was to evaluate whether hydropriming can improve germination, vigour and emergence under water stress. Seeds were soaked in water for 0 hours (Un-primed or control), 12 hours (P12) and 24 hours (P24). Results from the first study showed that maize landraces were slower to germinate and emerge, and produced less vigorous seedlings compared to the hybrids. The study showed that hybrids were more superior under optimum (75% FC) conditions than under stress conditions (25% FC). Physiological showed that both hybrids and landraces expressed catalase under water stress, with landraces showing slightly better expression compared to the hybrids. Proline accumulation was observed in both hybrids and landraces as a response to water stress, with hybrids being more sensitive to water stress. In the pot trial, results showed that the vegetative stage of both hybrids and landraces was less sensitive to water stress than the reproductive stage. Results showed no differences between field capacities, with respect to emergence, mean emergence time, leaf number, CF, ear prolificacy and ear length. Photosynthesis, as measured by CF, was shown to be desiccation tolerant. Water stress had a negative effect on cob mass, lines per cob, grains per cob and total grain mass, and resulted in barrenness in the landraces. The hybrids had superior yield compared to the landraces. Results for the field trials showed that planting date had highly significant effects on emergence, plant height, leaf number and days to tasseling (DTT). Landraces emerged better than hybrids in all plantings; highest emergence was in the early and late plantings. Optimum and late planting resulted in maximum plant height and leaf number, respectively, compared to early planting. Hybrids were superior, growing taller and with more leaves than landraces in all plantings. DTT decreased with successive plantings. Planting date had an effect on ear prolificacy (EP), kernels/ear (KNE) and 100 grain mass. Planting date had no effect on ear length and mass, kernel rows/cob, grain mass and yield. With the exception of EP, hybrids out-yielded the landraces in all three planting dates. Hydro-priming landraces for 12 hours and 24 hours, respectively, improved germination velocity index, reduced mean germination time and improved emergence and mean emergence time of maize landraces under water stress. Performance of hybrid seeds remained superior to that of landraces even after seed treatment to improve germination and vigour. Landraces were slower to germinate and emerge and produced less vigorous seedlings in controlled conditions only. Both hybrids and landraces expressed catalase activity and also accumulated proline in response to water stress, although hybrids were more sensitive to stress in the establishment phase. Results confirmed literature, showing that, for both hybrids and landraces, the vegetative stage is less sensitive to stress than the reproductive stage. Hybrids produced superior yields compared to landraces in both controlled environment and field conditions. However, the pattern of seedling establishment observed in the initial controlled environment study for hybrids and landraces was reversed in the field study. Lastly, hydro-priming is of some benefit to maize establishment.Item Season effects on the potential biomass and sucrose accumulation of some commercial cultivars of sugarcane.(2009) Donaldson, Robin Albert.; Greenfield, Peter L.An experiment was conducted at Pongola (27°24´S, 31°25´E; 308m altitude) in South Africa to study the effects of season on growth and potential biomass and sucrose yields on nine commercial sugarcane cultivars. The treatments that were the focus in this study consisted of the cultivars NCo376, N25 and N26 ratooned in March, April, May, August and December. The crops were well fertilized and kept free of weeds and diseases. Irrigation applications were scheduled with a computer programme to keep the crops free of stress at all times. Shoot populations were counted regularly to study shoot density dynamics. Leaf appearance rates, sizes, numbers and senescence were measured to study the development of green leaf area. Green foliage, dead trash and stalk mass were measured at 4, 8, 10, 11 and 12 months in each of the starting times and also at 13 months in the March, April and May ratoon crops. The fibre, sucrose and non-sucrose content of stalks were determined on these harvesting occasions. Yields were calculated in terms of individual shoots and area (m‾²). The fraction of PAR intercepted by the developing canopies was measured until full canopy and daily intercepted solar radiation was interpolated for the entire crop. An automated meteorological station adjacent to the experiment site provided daily weather data. Shoot densities were described by thermal time, however, average peak shoot densities were lowest in the May ratoon (31.8 m‾²) and highest in the December ratoon (48.7 m‾²). Shoot senescence was most rapid in August and December ratoons. At the final harvest shoot densities were highest in the March, April and May ratoon (14.8 to 14.2 m‾²) crops. NCo376 (16.4 m‾²) and N25 (13.6 m‾²) had higher final shoot densities than N26 (10.5 m‾²). Leaf appearance rate was also well described by thermal time, however the first twelve leaves took longer to appear in crops started in December i.e. the first phyllochron was longer (109.5°C d) than in crops started at other times (80.4 to 94.5°C d). Leaves produced during the early stages of December and August ratoon crops were larger (e.g leaf number 13 of N26 was 443 to 378 cm²) than in other crops. April and May ratoon crops produced much smaller leaves (e.g leaf number 9 of N26 was 170 to 105 cm²). Leaf senescence was slower in April and May ratoon crops (0.36 to 0.46 leaves per 100°C d) than in March (0.51 to 0.59 leaves per 100°C d) or August and December ratoon crops (0.60 to 0.68 leaves per 100°C d). December ratoon crops produced very high green leaf area indexes (LAI) (>7.0) at the age of four months; all other crops had lower LAI (3.3 to 6.0) and most peaked later (8 to 11 months of age). The LAI of N25 peaked at the age of 8 months while NCo376 and N26 peaked when 10 to 11 months old. Seasonal fraction of solar radiation intercepted was high in the March ratoon crops (0.84) and declined to 0.63 in the May ratoon crops and was highest in the December ratoon crop (0.88). N26 intercepted lower fractions of PAR than NCo376 and N25, particularly in the May and August ratoon crops. Biomass accumulation, although initially slow, tended to be linear in the March, April and May ratoon crops in relation to intercepted radiation. In August and particularly in the December ratoons biomass accumulation was initially rapid, and RUEs were high (2.65 g MJ‾¹ at 114 days in the December ratoon crops). However, biomass accumulation slowed when these December ratoon crops experienced winter. Low growth rates after winter, as well as low shoot densities resulted in December ratoon crops having produced significantly lower above-ground biomass yields (4 886 g m‾² at the age of 12 months) than March, April and May ratoon crops (6 760 to 5 715 gm‾² at the age of 12 months). The December ratoon crops responded poorly to the better growing conditions in spring and second summer and accumulated little biomass after winter. N26 shoots grew rapidly during the first 6-8 months of the December ratoon crop and it yielded better than NCo376 and N25 at harvesting (biomass yields were 5.8 and 13.3% higher at the age of 12 months, respectively). April ratoons produced significantly higher biomass yields (6 760 g m‾²) than March, August and December ratoons. May ratoon crops produced the highest cane fresh mass yields (18 151 g m‾²) and April, May and August ratoons produced significantly higher sucrose yields than March and December ratoons. The highest sucrose yield was produced by the April ratoon crop of N26 (2 385 g m‾²). On average, across the five ratoon dates, NCo376, N25 and N26 produced similar sucrose yields (1 902 to 1 959 g m‾²). Foliage production was severely limited during winter while sucrose accumulation was less affected by the low temperatures, resulting in accumulation of sucrose in the top sections of the culm. Low temperatures slowed the development of canopies in March, April and May ratoon crops, but these crops were able to recover their growth rates and produced high biomass and sucrose yields at the age of 12 months. The December ratoons experienced low winter temperatures (<12°C) when they had already accumulated relatively high yields and became moribund during winter. They were unable to accumulate any significant amounts of biomass during final four months before the final harvest at the age of 12 months. NCo376, N25 and N26 all yielded poorly in the December ratoon crop. However, there are cultivars that appear to be less sensitive to the low winters and are able to yield relatively well when they are ratooned in December. Sucrose yields of March, April and May ratoons were increased substantially (10.6 to 22.7%) by harvesting at the age of 13 months rather than at the age of 12 months. The poor growth of December ratoon crops after winter is possibly due to the recently revealed feedback signaling by high sugar levels induced by low temperatures on photosynthesis. The incorporation of the effects of low temperature and the feedback signaling with the objective of better simulating yields of December ratoons is a proposed study at the South African Sugarcane Research Institute. Annual mean sucrose yields of NCo376, N25 and N26 crops were estimated to be 17% higher in March than in December ratoons. The suggested short term remedy therefore of the poor December yields is to shift milling seasons to include March and exclude December harvested crops in the northern irrigated regions. March crops grow vigorously during the months close to harvesting and therefore have lower levels of sucrose content which can be corrected with chemical ripeners.Item Effect of smoke solution on performance of Pinus elliottii and P. taeda seed.(2008) Mackellar, Robert Daniel.In recent years research has shown that exposing seed to smoke or smoke solutions results in increased germination of some, but not all the species tested. Tests showed that exposing seeds of some commercial crops to smoke increased early plant growth. The stimulatory effects of smoke were shown to benefit the germination of species regardless of whether or not fire played a part of the species ecological cycle. In commercial forest nurseries any method of increasing the recovery rate of seed presents opportunities for realising savings of related production costs. Greater recovery rates of genetically improved seed present opportunities for capturing more related growth in field operations. Improving efficiencies of seed recovery at an early point in the production chain have multiplied effects further on down the chain. Two species of pine, namely Pinus taeda and Pinus elliottii that do not generally present high rates of germination were selected to test if applications of smoke solution could increase germination or emergence rates by more than 5%. As seed of both species are known to respond positively to existing seed pre-treatments the effects of smoke needed to be tested in combination, and apart from the pre-treatments. A secondary aim of the study was to examine the effect of smoke on early plant growth. Attempts to optimizes the concentration of the smoke solution were not undertaken as part of this study, as a rinsing treatment, included in the trials, is known to remove any inhibitory effects of a high concentration of the smoke solution. Tests to determine the variability of the seedlots was carried out for statistical purposes. The interaction between smoke application and pre-treatments were tested, firstly in Petri dishes under controlled environmental conditions, and then in nursery trays under standard commercial nursery conditions for both species. The inclusion of smoke in combination with the target moisture stratification (TMS and rinse pre treatment) had a significantly positive effect on P. taeda in a controlled environment. The same combination did not yield a positive results when tested under nursery conditions. Recommendations are made regarding future tests to see if the beneficial combination found in the controlled environment could be replicated under nursery conditions. Further motivation for conducting the tests exists in that the particular combination set gave significantly better early plant growth under nursery conditions. No other combinations tested yielded positive results.Item Closure of the Umlazi landfill : meeting statutory requirements for engineering and plant cover.(2008) Mannie, Neeraj Mannie.This study investigated the establishment of vegetation cover planted in plug and seedling form in the closure phases of the Umlazi Landfill. It also investigated the various facets of the closure process of the Umlazi Landfill and the effect these have on the establishment and choice of vegetative cover, and the grass technology used to make the establishment of vegetation a success. The setting up of trials and the gathering of basic data were undertaken to assess the alternative vegetation options available to researchers. The cover provided by the grasses was assessed in the investigation. The capping of landfill sites is a relatively new approach and it is soon to become a mandatory requirement by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (Minimum Requirements for Waste Disposal) (DWAF, 1998). This systematic investigation used in the closure of the Umlazi Landfill, will provide a model for the capping of landfills in South Africa. Seeing that this was the first hazardous (H:h) landfill site in the country to be closed according to the Minimum Requirements for Waste Disposal (DWAF, 1998), every attempt was made to ensure that all aspects in the closure of the site met with the Minimum Requirements. The Minimum Requirements document mentions only briefly that the landfill must be vegetated with some grass type. Prior to 1994, capped landfill sites were usually planted with traditional grass seed mixes and these were not widely successful, as seen on many older landfills that have been partially or completely capped, and where vegetation cover is sparse. There is much literature in the developed countries on the closure of landfills (e.g., Erickson, During the site inspections in June 2001 and February 2002, it was noted that many species of alien plants had established themselves in the poor soil conditions. This made it even more important to find indigenous vegetation to vigorously establish itself that would prevent the establishment of alien invaders. Samples of grass species established on some part of the site were also taken for identification. The dominant grass was identified as Cynodon dactylon. In view of establishing a balanced vegetative cover on top of the Umlazi Landfill, Acacia karoo trees (in seedling form) were also planted. Three bunch grass species, Melinis nerviglumis, Melinis minutiflora and Hyparrhenia hirta, were tested to see if thatching grass could be grown on the site to generate a cash crop for local residents of Umlazi township. Preparation and planting of the capped areas took place in the latter part of 2003 and were completed in early 2004. Measurements and field data were recorded and statistically analysed. The trials revealed three key findings: Firstly, both creeping grasses studied, namely Cynodon dactylon var. “Sea Green” and Panicum natalense var. ”Natal Buffalo Grass” grew well on the site. Initially P. natalense grew faster but after a month, C. dactylon overtook it. At the end of the trial (six months, P. natalense provided a higher level of soil cover. However, C. dactylon grew more consistently over this period. Hence both species provided good growth and cover on this site. Secondly the three bunch grasses, Melinis nerviglumis, Melinis minutiflora and Hyparrhenia hirta, all grew well and had similar survival rates. Hence the potential for growing these grasses as a cash crop has potential. Thirdly, all the Acacia karoo trees survived, i.e., they achieved 100% survival. The average height increase and stem width was similar in all trials and growth was consistent over the six month growing period. Hence the tree species would be a good choice for planting on landfills in its ecologically suitable zones. It is therefore feasible to envisage the planting of a mixture of grasses under the cover of A. karoo trees, to provide a balanced mixture of indigenous grasses to cover a freshly capped landfill. Such a system should provide for stable growth of vegetation for many years.Item Taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) yield and quality in response to planting date and organic fertilisation.(2009) Mare, Rorisang 'Maphoka.; Modi, Albert Thembinkosi.Despite the importance of taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) as a food security crop, scientific research on it is scanty in South Africa. Production site, planting date and fertiliser regime affect crop performance and quality, particularly that of cultivars, because they tend to be adapted to specific localities. Storage temperature and packaging method on the other hand affect the shelf-life. To investigate performance and quality of three taro cultivars in response to planting date and fertilisation, a study was carried out at two sites in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (Ukulinga and Umbumbulu), during the 2007/2008 growing seasons. The effect of two storage temperatures (12oC and ambient temperature) and three packaging methods (polyethylene bags, mesh bags and open boxes) on cormel quality following storage was also investigated for three cultivars. Delayed planting negatively affected the number of cormels plant-1 and fresh cormel mass plant-1. Fertilisation and cultivar affected the number of cormels plant-1 and fresh cormel mass plant-1 only when planting was done in October and November at both sites. Fertilisation increased the number of cormels plant-1 for all cultivars except Dumbe-dumbe. Dumbe-dumbe had the lowest number of cormels plant-1 but the highest number of marketable cormels plant-1. Dumbe-dumbe showed the lowest fresh cormel mass plant-1 in October and the highest in November at Ukulinga. Fertisation increased fresh cormel mass plant-1 in October at Umbumbulu. Dry matter content was negatively affected by fertilisation at Ukulinga. The response of dry matter content, specific gravity, protein, minerals, reducing sugars and starch content was variable depending on cultivar. Delayed planting negatively affected starch content for Dumbe-dumbe and Pitshi at Ukulinga. Fertilisation decreased starch content of Pitshi, while delayed planting increased sugar content for Dumbe-dumbe and decreased it for Mgingqeni and Pitshi at Umbumbulu. Dumbe-dumbe had higher starch content and higher reducing sugars. Considering all growth and quality parameters, it is recommended that Dumbe-dumbe is the best taro cultivar for crisping and the best time to plant it is October with 160 kg N ha-1 of organic fertiliser and November with 320 kg N ha-1 at Ukulinga whereas at Umbumbulu the best time to plant Dumbe-dumbe is October with 320 kg N ha-1 of the fertiliser. Starch granules degradation, alpha-amylase activity and sprouting increased with storage time and storage temperature. Cormels of Mgingqeni stored in polyethylene bags showed highest alpha-amylase activity and sprouting. Reducing sugar content increased and starch content decreased with time in storage and decline in storage temperature. It is recommended that taro cormels be stored in mesh bags at 12oC. The chapters of this thesis represent different studies presented as different papers. Chapter 1 is a general introduction to explain the study background and hypothesis. Chapter 2 is a general review of literature. Chapter 3 is on growth, development and yield of taro in response to planting date and fertilisation. Chapter 4 is on the influence of planting date and organic fertiliser on crisping quality of taro cormels. Chapter 5 is on changes in the surface morphology of starch granules and alpha-amylase activity of taro during storage. Chapter 6 is on the effects of pre- and post-harvest practices on starch and reducing sugars of taro. The last chapter is a general discussion and conclusions.Item Wild watermelon (Citrullus lanatus L.) landrace production in response to three seedling growth media and field planting dates.(2010) Zulu, Ncebo Sibonelo.; Modi, Albert Thembinkosi.The challenge of food security requires that agricultural production is no longer based on a narrow genetic material present in conventional crops. Whereas conventional crops have been genetically improved to suit management practices of the modern farmer, the future farmer requires that there be access to a wide variety of genetic material for economic exploitation and to respond to the challenges of climate change in a sustainable fashion. This study was designed to learn about production of wild water melon [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsumura and Nakai] from seed germination, seedling establishment and field crop production. The specific objectives of the study were (a) to determine the effect of water stress on three landraces of watermelon differing in seed colour and provenance during seedling establishment, (b) to determine the effect of planting date on crop growth and yield under field conditions, and (c) to relate proline accumulation to water stress in wild watermelon. Three seedlots, ‘B’, ‘DB’ and ‘VDB” were derived from seeds collected from subsistence farming communities of the Eastern Cape, and KwaZulu-Natal. Following one season of seed production in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, seeds were tested for germination capacity, before seedlot response to water stress was determined in three substrates made of pine bark, a 1:1 mixture of fine sand and pine bark and fine sand only. The substrates were kept at 75% FC, 50% F.C and 25% F.C., to create varying levels of water regimes during 12 weeks of seedling growth in a glasshouse (16/21oC (day/night) and 60% RH). Leaf proline content was determined at seedling harvest. Crop production under field conditions occurred at one site with three planting dates late September 2008, November 2008 and January 2009, respectively. There were significant differences among seedlots with respect to seed quality and seedling yield, which consistently showed that B > VDB > DB. The differences in seedlots continued in the same order even in response to field conditions. Wild watermelon was responsive to water stress during seedling growth, but high water regimes compromised water use efficiency. Proline accumulation correlated with water stress. The best plant growth and yield under field conditions was obtained when planting occurred in September, followed by November and January plantings, respectively. Early planting was also associated with high crop growth rate and larger fruit size. It is concluded that despite being a desert crop, wild watermelon responds to water deficits during seedling growth. Results of field studies cannot be conclusively used to determine crop response to water stress, although they gave a good indication of crop response to different conditions of rainfall and temperature at the study site from September to March.Item Response of local wild mustard (Brassica species) landraces to water stress.(2010) Mbatha, Thobile Precious.; Modi, Albert Thembinkosi.Wild mustard is an indigenous leafy vegetable. Its use is limited by a lack of knowledge of its agronomy. However, it is a rich source of nutrients and other minerals. Nowadays, the use of indigenous crops has been replaced by exotic crops. Climate change is affecting agricultural productivity. South Africa is a water scarce country with uneven rainfall distribution. Therefore, studies on water stress effects on plant growth were promoted by the Water Research Commission and the University of KwaZulu-Natal to understand plant responses to water stress for commercial and subsistence farming. The objective of the study was to characterise local wild mustard cultivars morphologically and physiologically with respect to production, and for the purposes of identifying their drought tolerance. Three experiments were conducted at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in order to evaluate the responses of local wild mustard cultivars to water stress. Seeds of wild mustard cultivars were characterised according to seed coat colour. Seed quality was determined by a standard germination test. Vigour was then tested using electrolyte conductivity. Seeds were sown in seedling trays under two water regimes of 25% field capacity (FC) and 75% (FC) on pine bark growing media. The experiment was terminated at 21 days when root and shoot lengths were measured. The effect of water stress on protein content and seedling growth parameters was determined. Soil was collected from the University of KwaZulu-Natal Research Farm for a pot trial. Seeds of wild mustard were sown in 81 pots, each filled with 2 kg of soil, under three water regimes (25% FC, 50% FC and 75% FC). Pots were maintained at the corresponding field capacity level by re-weighing the pots, three times a week. Measurements of plant height and leaf number were recorded weekly. The experiment was terminated at the flowering stage. At the end of the experiment, plant growth parameters (plant height, leaf area and number, dry and fresh mass) were measured in order to evaluate the effects of water stress at the vegetative stage. A field trial was conducted at the University of KwaZulu-Natal Ukulinga Research Farm in Pietermaritzburg. The experiment was conducted during the winter and spring of 2009. A completely randomised design was used for non-irrigated and irrigated (25 mm/week) trials. Emergence was measured as well as plant height and leaf number. Plant growth parameters were also measured at the end of the experiment. Leaf samples were taken for proline determination. There was a significant interaction (p<0.05) between seed colour, landraces and days to germinate with respect to germination capacity. Isaha and Masihlalisane landraces showed higher germination percentages than Kwayimba. There was also a significant interaction (p<0.05) between landraces and seed colour with respect to electrolyte conductivity. Lighter seeds of wild mustard landraces showed higher solute leakage. Isaha and Masihlalisane had higher solute leakage than Kwayimba. Significant interactions (p<0.05) between landraces and field capacity with respect to emergence, leaf number, root and shoot length and total proteins were also observed. Isaha and Masihlalisane showed higher emergence than Kwayimba. Leaf number was reduced for all landraces under water stress. Total protein content was high in black seeded landraces under water stress. There was a significant interaction (p<0.05) between landraces and field capacity with respect to seedling fresh and dry masses. Under moderate water stress conditions, Isaha and Masihlalisane showed increased biomass accumulation. There were highly significant differences (P<0.001) in plant height, leaf area, fresh and dry mass with respect to planting date. Plants performed significantly (p<0.05) better in spring than in winter. Isaha and Masihlalisane performed significantly (p<0.05) better than Kwayimba. There was a highly significant interaction (p<0.001) between landrace and irrigation treatments with respect to proline accumulation. Under water stress, Kwayimba black seeded landrace accumulated more proline. It is concluded that light-coloured seeds of wild mustard landraces were associated with good seed quality. Masihlalisane brown seeds have good early seedling establishment. Kwayimba black seeds showed tolerance to water stress through accumulation of proteins. Isaha and Masihlalisane showed an increase in biomass accumulation under moderate water stress. Water stress tolerance in some of wild mustard landraces was negatively correlated with proline accumulation. Masihlalisane brown type can grow well, with good yields, under water stress.Item Phytate related response of maize seed to phosphorus and temperature.(2006) Asanzi, Nafabuanga Mireille.; Modi, Albert Thembinkosi.The aim of the study was to determine the effect of day/night temperatures (22/l6°C, 2712l oC and 33/27°C) and phosphorus levels (0, 0.12 and 1.2g per 20 kg soil) on seedling establishment and seed viability during three stages of seed development (15, 22 and 33 days after flowering) for seed of normal and quality protein maize cultivars. Soluble carbohydrate accumulation and mineral element content were determined using environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) in relation to seed phytate levels and seed germination capacity at different stages of development. Leaf emergence rate and plant height during seed development were significantly (P < 0.05) influenced by temperature and phosphorus nutrition. Phosphorus in seed is stored primarily in the form of phytic acid, also known as phytate. Accumulation of phytate takes place during maturation phase of seed development. Phosphorus nutrition and temperature also caused a.significant (P < 0.05) increase in seed germination at all stages of seed development. Furthermore, phosphorus nutrition and temperature influenced occurrence of soluble carbohydrates in seeds. Myo-inositol, the sugar alcohol that forms the basic structure of phytate, was increased by P nutrition and increasing growth temperature. Whereas, QPM maize was generally found to perform poorly than normal maize, with respect to phytate content, seed germination and seedling establishment, both cultivars displayed the same responses to phosphorus nutrition and temperature. In both cultivars, globoids, the sites of phytate synthesis and storage, were found only in the embryonic axis. Subsequently, there were significantly low levels of mineral elements (P, Mg and K) found in the endosperm, compared with embryonic axis. This finding suggested that the embryonic axis plays a major role in seed performance, through its effects emanating from phyate metabolism. Myo-inositol plays a role in membrane biogenesis during stress conditions such as temperature by maintaining the integrity of the cell wall and minimizes the leaching of cations essential during germination. Myo-inositol, although it occurs in small concentrations, could be used to indicate seed quality in maize, because its accumulation was found to be associated with enhanced phyate levels and better seed germination in a wide range of temperatures. Low vigour seeds are associated with high electrolyte leakage during imbibition. Mineral elements form a significant portion of the imbibition leachate, which causes seeds to lose nutrients for early seedling growth. This study provided evidence that phosphorus nutrition can alleviate poor seed vigour of maize by improving phytate levels.Item Phytotron and field performance of Taro [Colocasia Esculenta (L.) Schott] landraces from Umbumbulu.(2006) Mare, Rorisang 'Maphoka.; Modi, Albert Thembinkosi.The taro landraces that are most preferred by farmers from Umbumbulu, KwaZulu-Natal were identified through focus group discussions with farmers. Farmers ranked taro landraces on the basis of preference as determined by economic value, social significance, ecological importance and food characteristics. Using pairwise ranking, the farmers' preference of taro landraces across all locations was found to be in the following order: Dumbe-dumbe, Mgingqeni, Pitshi and Dumbe-lomfula. Dumbe-dumbe was identified as the currently actively cultivated taro whereas Mgingqeni was regarded as a less desirable cultivated taro. Pitshi was regarded as an antiquated landrace and Dumbe-lomfula was generally regarded as a taro type of no economic, social or food value that grew on river banks as a wild species. Glasshouse and field studies were conducted to determine the effects of temperature and growing location [Pietermaritzburg (UKZN) and Umbumbulu] on emergence, plant growth and yield of taro. Starch and mineral composition of taro corms were determined in harvest-mature corms. Effects of three day/night temperature levels (22/12°C, 27/17°C and 33/23°C) were examined on the growth of four taro landraces Dumbe-dumbe, Mgingqeni, Pitshi and Dumbe-lomfula. Pitshi-omhlophe, an ecotype of Pitshi for which there was a limited amount of planting material, was also included in the glasshouse studies. The farmers stated that the normal growing season for the economically important landraces, Dumbe-dumbe and Mgingqeni, was six months, but in this study plants were grown in glasshouses for nine months, and in the field, for seven months before the attainment of harvest maturity. Emergence was determined daily for glasshouse experiment until all plants had emerged and it was determined monthly for the field experiment. Leaf number, plant height and leaf area were measured every month to determine growth and development, while number of corms and fresh corm weight were used at harvest to determine yield. For all landraces, time to emergence increased significantly with decrease in temperature from 33/23°C to 27/17°C, but it increased significantly for only Dumbe-dumbe and Mgingqeni from 27/17°C to 22/12°C. Mgingqeni showed the shortest time to emergence, whereas, Pitshi showed the longest delay in emergence. The locations were not significantly different in emergence. Mgingqeni displayed the highest emergence in UKZN (91.4%), whereas, Dumbe-dumbe displayed the highest emergence (95.5%) and Dumbe-lomfula displayed the lowest emergence (55.9%) in Umbumbulu. Leaf number was highest for Pitshi-omhlophe, in glasshouse experiment due to its tendency to produce multiple shoots compared with the other landraces. Plant height increased with increase in temperature for all landraces except for Pitshi, for which height decreased with an increase in temperature. Leaf area was greatest for Dumbe-lomfula at all temperatures and lowest for Pitshi at both 22/12°C and 27/17°C. Leaf number was highest for Mgingqeni and lowest for Dumbe-lomfula at both sites, although it was significantly lower only for Dumbe-lomfula in UKZN. Plant height and leaf area were significantly highest for Dumbe-lomfula at both sites. The highest total number of corms per plant was shown by Pitshi-omhlophe at 22/12°C. Total fresh corm weight was highest for Dumbe-lomfula at 27/17°C and lowest for Pitshi at 22/22°C. The field experiment results showed Pitshi and Dumbe-lomfula with significantly higher total fresh corm weight in UKZN compared with Umbumbulu. Corms were analysed for mineral elements and starch. There were significant differences in starch content between temperatures (P = 0.017) and taro landraces (P = 0.025). There was also a significant interaction of temperatures and landrace (P = 0.002). Starch content increased with temperature for all landraces except for Pitshi-omhlophe and Dumbe-lomfula which showed a decrease at 27/17°C. There were significant differences in corm mineral content between temperatures, locations and landraces (P < 005). It is concluded that the chemical composition of taro corms is influenced by growth temperature and the location (site) where the crop is grown. The results of this study also indicated that taro plant growth is enhanced by high temperatures (33/23°C). High temperatures are, however, associated with short leaf area duration and subsequently low yield. The findings of this study may also be useful in determining taro quality for processing.Item Pepper and tomato seed performance in response to imbibition and dehydration.(2005) Nemakanga, Rendani.; Modi, Albert Thembinkosi.The International Seed Testing Association and the Association of Official Seed analysts define seed vigour as the ability of a seed lot to perform during the germination process and crop stand establishment under a wide range of environmental conditions. There are many ways to determine seed vigour, but few satisfy the requirements of being simple, inexpensive and reproducible, among others, to permit the seed industry to adopt seed vigour as an indicator of seed quality when they sell seeds. Hence, the standard germination test, which is performed under uniform and favourable conditions, is generally used to indicate seed quality when seeds are marketed. The objective of this study was to determine the performance of tomato and pepper seeds in response to pre-germination hydration and dehydration relative humidities (12%, 49% and 75% RH). Before hydration, seeds were hydrated at three temperatures (10°C, 20°C and 30°C). Hydration was performed by imbibing pre-weighed pepper ('Santarini' and 'California Wonder'), Chilli and tomato ('Heinz', 'Marondera' and 'Roma') seeds for 2 h in 10 ml of distilled H(2)0 per 100 seeds at 10°C, 20°C and 30°C. Dehydration was performed by change in seed mass determined during a 72-hour dehydration at 12%, 49% and 75% RH. Seed performance in response to imbibition and dehydration was determined by leakage of electrolytes from seeds during imbibition, laboratory germination capacity and seedling emergence under simulated shadehouse nursery conditions. A pot experiment was conducted to determine the effects of seed treatments on yield. Seed mass increased by about 50% during the 2-hour of hydration. Dehydration was hastened by decreasing the RH, and 12% RH significantly (P < 0.05) reduced the post-imbibition seed moisture content compared with 49% and 75% RH. The latter two relative humidities reduced the seed moisture content to about 10% and 15%, respectively, for all cultivars, irrespective of imbibition temperature. Low imbibition temperature (10°C) significantly (P < 0.01) increased electrolyte leakage, compared with high imbibition temperatures (20°C and 30°C), which were not significantly different from each other. At all hydration temperatures, low RH (12%) caused a significant (P < 0.01) decrease in seed germination whereas 49% RH and 75% RH apparently had a priming effect on seeds. There was no significant difference between imbibition temperatures, with respect to seed germination, but 100G caused a significant decrease in germination index, a measure of seed vigour. Seedling emergence was significantly (P < 0.01) reduced by both low imbibition temperature (10oG) and low dehydration relative humidity (12% RH). The negative effects of low imbibition temperature and rapid dehydration at 12% RH were also observed as stunted seedling growth. Principal component analysis and linear regression were used to determine a statistical model to predict seedling emergence from germination percentage. The model predicted emergence consistently, but it overestimated it by about 2% to 3%. It is concluded that low imbibition temperature and rapid dehydration can be used to simulate stress to determine seed performance in pepper and tomato.Item Moderation of growth and sucrose flux in sugarcane by temperature.(2005) Ngomane, Dambuza.; Greenfield, Peter L.; Smit, Michiel.Sugarcane plants (cultivar NCo376) were studied to assess the effects of temperature and season (spring and autumn equinox) on the morphological and physiological response of stalk components. Plants were grown from single-eyed setts for ca. five months and then placed into three temperature controlled glasshouses (22/12°C (C), 27/17°C (W) and 32/22°C (H) day/night temperatures). The plants were sampled twice weekly over a one month period., and intemodes 4, 6 and 10 of the primary haulms of each plant sampled for growth and sugar analysis. During spring, the leaf emergence rates were 0.0303, 0.1095 and 0.1682 leaves d(-1) at temperatures C, W and H, respectively; and 0.0327, 0.0824 and 0.113 leaves d(-1) in autumn. The phyllochron intervals were 114°Cd in spring and 147°Cd in autumn. Highest green leaf blade area of the primary haulms was achieved at H (438.0 and 511.7 cm2 in spring and autumn, respectively). The stalk extension rates were 1.22, 1.02, 0.38 cm d(-1) (spring) and 1.35, 0.98, 0.45 cm d(-1) (autumn), respectively, in descending order of temperature. Total biomass and stalk biomass per plant were not affected by temperature, despite the differences in stem elongation. Internodes of plants at C were shorter but thicker and heavier than the comparable internodes of plants at W and H. In autumn, the mature internode sucrose concentrations were 35.5, 29.2 and 25.5% at C, W and H, respectively; corresponding to mean RS% of 5.7, 9.8 and 13.3%, and fibre % of 58.8, 61.1 and 61.3%, at the respective ascending order of temperature. Sucrose % in the mature internodes in spring were 27.8, 20.9 and 19.9% at C, W and H, respectively; corresponding to RS% of 5.9, 9.76 and 10.9% and fibre % of 66.3, 69.4 and 69.2% at the respective ascending order of temperature. Temperature effect on the concentration of the stalk components of the immature internodes was in general not significant. Sucrose partitioning coefficients in the mature internodes were 0.25, 0.21 and 0.20 in spring and 0.50, 0.32 and 0.21 in autumn (at C, W and H, respectively). Data that resulted from this study, which is isolated to temperature and cultivar NCo376 can be used in models of sugarcane that simulate leaf appearance and senescence, assimilate partitioning between leaf and stalk and assimilate partitioning between the stalk components namely sucrose, reducing sugars and fibre.Item Physiological basis of seed germination in Cleome gynandra (L.)(2005) Ochuodho, Julius Onyango.; Modi, Albert Thembinkosi.Dormancy characteristics and optimum conditions for germination of Cleome gynandra seeds have not been explained. Seed storage proteins were extracted, analysed with SDS-PAGE and sequenced. Seed proteins of Cleome were characterised by comparison with those of wild mustard (Brassica kaber). Wild mustard showed seed proteins composed of two α-chains of molecular weight (24-32 kDa) and another two β-chains of 18-22 kDa. The seed proteins of Cleome comprised two α-chain polypeptides of molecular weight (25-30 kDa), two β-chain polypeptides of molecular weight (18-20 kDa) and a smaller β-chain of 13-15 kDa. The storage proteins occurred in the seeds as dimeric complexes of molecular weight 40-65 kDa, which were broken into polypeptide chains of approximately 20 and 30 kDa by the reducing . action of DTT. Comparison with proteins in the proteome library and similarity index further confirmed that the seed proteins of Cleome had similarities with those of wild mustard. Two dimensional SDS-PAGE showed that the two species have nine similar polypeptides and four different ones. Events associated with dormancy release during seed germination still require explanation. Seeds of Cleome are characterised by low germination and there has been no explanation for this. Changes in protein expression during germination of Cleome in the presence or absence of light and at constant or alternating temperatures were examined. The germination of Cleome seeds at 20 degrees C was inhibited by light, but it was improved at 20 degrees C in darkness. There was no photoinhibition when seeds were germinated at constant 30 degrees C or alternating 20/30 degrees C (16 h night and 8 h day) for 10 days. Four proteins were observed to decrease in expression as germination progressed, but remained unchanged during photoinhibition. Photoinhibition was expressed more in seeds that were harvested late, after the pods had turned brown. These seeds showed a fifth, low molecular weight protein (13 kDa) that was absent from the immature seeds and embryos. Photinhibition is a pseudo-dormancy condition during which seed storage proteins are not utilised and the seed coat could partially play a role in it. The temperatures for the germination of Cleome in darkness have been determined. However, prior to this study the effects of temperature, light and pre-germination treatments (chilling, scarification, hydration and germination in the presence of KN0(3) or GA(3) on the germination of the seeds of this species have not been investigated. Seeds were germinated for 10 days and the final count of germination was used to determine seed performance. The highest germination percentage (60% and 80%, for a 2-year old and a l-year old seed lot, respectively) of untreated seeds was achieved when alternating temperatures of 20/30 degrees C (16 h/S h) in the dark or constant 30 degrees C in the dark were used. Among the pre-germination treatments, only scarification (puncturing of seeds at the radicle end) improved germination. Seeds were found to be negatively photoblastic, and the phenomenon was more pronounced when they were germinated at 20 degrees C and 12 h photoperiod or longer. Germination of photoinhibited seeds was, however, improved by treatment with GA(3) It is recommended that the germination of Cleome be undertaken under conditions of darkness and at either alternating 20/30 degrees C or continuous 30 degrees C. Seed lot vigour and seedling vigour are two important seed quality aspects that are used in defining the seed germination process. Seed germination is appropriately characterised by radicle protrusion and the attainment of normal seedling structures. However, the international rules for testing seeds combine radicle protrusion and normal seedling attainment in separating seed germination into the first and final counts. The challenge to a seed analyst testing the germination of a species whose first and final counts are unknown is that there is no statistical guideline to determine these important stages of seed germination. Cauliflower and broccoli, for which the first and final counts are published in the international rules for testing seeds and Cleome, for which there is no data on the first and final counts, were examined to determine the statistical significances of the first and final counts. Analysis of variance, logistic regression, 'broken-stick' regression models and survival analysis procedures were used. Analysis of variance showed that there were no differences between the germination percentages on the fourth, fifth and seventh days of germination. Low and stable standard deviations were recorded when evaluating germination after the fourth day. The germination curves of broccoli and cauliflower did not fit the Gompertz curve but fitted the exponential curve. The broken-stick model 'broke' the cumulative germination curve for the Cleome seed lots into two linear curves that were significantly different, but failed to break those for broccoli and cauliflower. However, this study confirmed the first and final counts for broccoli and cauliflower as determined by the international rules for testing seeds. Broken-stick modelling and life table analyses confirmed the fourth day as being appropriate to determine the first count for Cleome germination. There was no evidence of further seed germination after the seventh day as shown by probability density and hazard rate. It is suggested that for Cleome, the 'first count' and 'final count' be performed on the fourth and seventh day of the germination, respectively.Item Agronomic performance of wild mustard in an intercropping with green beans.(2005) Phiri, Nathan.; Modi, Albert Thembinkosi.Wild mustard (Brassica spp.) is used as an edible wild leafy vegetable by indigenous people in South Africa. The potential of wild leafy vegetables in agriculture is not well understood, because there is generally no agronomic research on their production practices. The objective of this study was to examine the performance of three wild mustard species (herein referred to as I, K and M) over four cropping seasons in an intercropping system with green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Imbali). The crops were grown with and without organic fertiliser under dryland conditions at two sites (The University of KwaZulu-Natal Research Farm, Ukulinga and in a rural area of Umbumbulu, KwaZulu-Natal within the farmers' locality) during autumn, winter, spring and summer of 2004 to 2005. Plant development (leaf number, plant height and fresh biomass) during the first six weeks after sowing and seed yield were used to determine agronomic performance of each species. Nutrient status of the rhizosphere soil was determined at 42 days after sowing for each species to determine what effect growing the species would have on mineral availability. Wild mustard production significantly (P < 0.01) performed better at Ukulinga than Umbumbulu. Polyculture was beneficial for wild mustard leaf accumulation and green bean production as determined by land equivalent ratios greater than one for all species combinations, regardless of fertiliser application. Cool environmental conditions occurring in autumn and spring were more favourable (P < 0.05) for wild mustard and green bean biomass accumulation than summer and winter conditions. However, wild mustard seed yield was highest in winter compared with autumn and spring, and there was no measurable seed production in summer. Soil analysis results at 42 days after sowing showed an increase in P, K, Cu and Mg in the rhizosphere of wild mustard without organic fertiliser. Polyculture improved Zn, Cu, Mn and K in wild mustard leaf tissue. It is concluded that wild mustard can be grown as a leafy vegetable throughout the year, but it requires cool environmental conditions to enhance seed yield. Species M significantly yielded better biomass and seeds than species I and K during all the seasons. However, species K performed the least in all aspects.Item The effects of chlormequat chloride and ethephon on selected small grain cereals in South Africa.(2006) Ramburan, Sanesh.; Greenfield, Peter L.Lodging poses a serious limitation to successful economic production of small grain cereals and can lead to extensive yield and quality losses. Plant growth regulators (PGR's) that reduce plant height and lodging have been employed in management systems in Europe and the United States, however, these compounds have not been evaluated on commercial cultivars of wheat, barley and oats in South Africa. Current recommendations to reduce lodging include limiting N inputs, seeding rates and critical irrigations, all of which may also limit yield potential and grain quality. The objectives of this study were to assess the effects of two common stem-elongation-inhibiting PGR's (chlormequat chloride and ethephon) on the growth, development, and agronomic characteristics of wheat, barley and oats. The aim of the study was to introduce an additional component of intensive cereal management in the form of PGR's, and to allow producers to implement intensive production practices without incurring losses due to lodging. Field trials were conducted with each of the three cereal crops in the 2003 and 2004 seasons at Vaalharts and Bethlehem. The PGR's were applied separately and in combination with each other to lodging-tolerant and -susceptible cultivars (wheat and oats) at different stages of development (tillering, elongation, flag leaf stage). The PGR's were also tested in combination with different levels of N (barley) applied at the haulm elongation stage, the flag leaf stage, or both. The PGR chlormequat produced negligible effects on plant height, lodging, yield, or quality components in all of the tested cultivars . Ethephon and the PGR combination successfully reduced plant height (by 120 to 150mm) and lodging (by 25 to 94%) when applied to the lodging susceptible cultivars of wheat and oats at the flag leaf stage or as a split application to the barley cultivar "Puma" (plant height and lodging reduced by 180 to 230mm and 83 to 92% respectively). Effects on grain yield were variable, ranging from occasional reductions (by 3 t ha(-1) and improvements (by 1 t ha(-1) with the barley, and no effects with the wheat and oats. Wheat quality parameters such as protein content and hectolitre mass were improved by 2 and 4% respectively. However, the nature of the responses was highly dependent on the times of application with later applications producing the greatest positive effects on quality, yield and lodging reductions. Additionally, ethephon and the PGR combination allowed higher levels of N to be employed without increases in lodging of barley. Generally, ethephon and the PGR combination applied at the flag leaf stage of growth are suitable anti-lodging tools for small grain cereal production and should be employed as an insurance measure against lodging in intensive management systems.Item The effect of daylength and temperature on growth and 'onset of bulbing' in tropical cultivars of onion.(2005) Tesfay, Samson Zeray.; Greenfield, Peter L.Onions are widely produced within the tropics, but little scientific research has been done specifically on the Eritrean cultivars, like Hagaz Red 1 and 2 (HR I, and HR 2). Many onion cultivars are limited in their range of adaptation due to the combined effects of photoperiod and temperature. A priority for research on the crop was to elucidate the local crop's growth response to environmental conditions, particularly temperature and daylength. The Eritrean cultivars HR I and 2 and an American (Louisiana) cultivar Red Creole (RC) grown in South Africa were grown in growth rooms under all combinations of three daylengths (11.5h, 12h, 12.5h) and three day/night temperatures (25/12°C, 30/15°C and 35/18°C). Growth responses were determined at 108 days and by using a growing degree day (GDD) base. A broken-stick regression model was used to determine the points of inflection, indicating the initiation of bulbing. Based on leaf area and plant height data, mathematical differentiation equations and coefficient of determination (R2) were applied to determine the base temperature (6.4°C) for these particular cultivars. All three cultivars needed at least 12 h daylength for bulb initiation when assessed by a bulbing ratio >=2.0. A bulbing ratio >=2.0 characterizes the onset of bulbing. Under a 11.5 h daylength, a temperature higher than 25/12°C decreased vegetative growth. Temperature in this region may be a supra-optimal condition for the growth of these cultivars at this daylength. However, the 25/12°C and 30/15°C temperatures were found to be ideal for onion bulb production under 12 hand 12.5 h daylengths. The three cultivars (HR I, HR 2 and RC) showed very similar growth response to the daylength and temperature interactions. The thermal presentation of plant growth indicated that there were relationships between bulb initiation and rate of leaf area growth under inductive conditions (12 hand 12.5 h). Under the 12 h daylength, cultivars needed 343, 482, and 597 GDD units before bulb initiation and 405, 432, and 431 GDD to increase the rate of leaf area development at 25/12°C, 30/15°C, and 35/18°C, respectively. Under a 12.5 h daylength, these cultivars needed 344, 423, and 432.2 GDDs to initiate bulbing and 140, 411, and 579 GDDs to increase leaf growth rates at 25/12°C, 30/15°C, and 35/18°C, respectively. In the 12 h daylength, bulbing was initiated and followed by an increased rate of growth of leaf area. However, the reverse happened for the 12.5 h daylength. Overall, where plant response to temperature can be expressed as the rate of progress towards a morphogenetic change, GDD values can be used to predict a plant developmental stage at a particular temperature. It must be concluded that temperatures induced significant variations in growth components (leaf number, plant height, leaf area), and affected bulbing response. The findings in this study confirmed that the cultivars require only a certain fixed amount of thermal time for their development at a particular temperature, and that, if anything, the slow growth rate at the higher temperature must be due to supra-optimal temperatures. They also require a minimum 12 h photoperiod for bulb formation.Item Investigating the role of polygalacturonase in cotyledonal cracking of green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)(2005) Tshazi, Thabani Xolani.; Modi, Albert Thembinkosi.Transverse cotyledonal cracking (TVC) was characterised at physiological, biochemical and molecular levels in three common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars: Imbali, Tongaat and Tokai. The incidence of TVC was determined visually on ten-day old seedlings and was expressed as the number of cracks per plant. The effect of Ca++ on TVC incidence was examined by enhancing the calcium content of seed cotyledons using calcium salts in seed priming and coating. EDAX was used to quantify the cotyledonal calcium content. Activities of the pectinolytic enzymes polygalacturonase (PG) and pectin methylesterase (PME) were assayed at dry seed, VC, R4 and R6 phenophases of the bean plant, and zymogram electrophoresis was used to identify the two enzymes. The results showed that cultivars Imbali, Tongaat, and Tokai were susceptible resistant and intermediate, respectively, with respect to TVC incidence. Calcium uptake was higher in Tongaat cultivar (P= 0.05) compared with Imbali and Tokai, irrespective of calcium salt enhancement. Vigour was significantly reduced (P< 0.01) by both coating and priming. TVC significantly lowered yield (P= 0.05) in the susceptible Imbali cultivar. Zymogram analysis identified lytic bands at ~45kDa (PG gel) and ~30kDa (PME gel). The activity profile of PME was similar for all cultivars. However, PG activity of susceptible Imbali was high in dry seeds and at the R4 and R6 stages of plant development, whereas the more resistant cultivars displayed high activity at the VC stage only. It is concluded that high PG activity at R4 stage is a more reliable determinant of green bean propensity to cotyledonal cracking.Item Nitrogen in the soil-plant system of successive rainfed wheat crops under conventional cultivation.(2002) Otto, Willem Morkel.; Haynes, Richard John.; Greenfield, Peter L.Soil mineral N and soil water content at planting, biomass accumulation, yield and grain quality parameters (hectolitermass and protein percentage) were measured on an unfertilized and recommended-N-application treatment during two consecutive growing seasons (1997-1998). The trials were planted in a fallow-wheat-wheat cropping system at three representative localities in the summer rainfall region of South Africa. High levels of available soil water and mineral N were measured following the fallow period preceding the start of the trials in 1997. For example, soil water content was 81.7%, 69.6%, and 78.2% of DUL at Bethlehem, Kroonstad and Petrusburg respectively. Although comparable total soil profile water contents to 1997 were measured in 1998 at all three sites, the cultivation zone (0-400 mm) had a substantially lower soil water content. This was due to erratic rainfall distribution during the fallow period, which prevented effective soil cultivation management, subsequent soil water conservation and residue decomposition. Undecomposed residue in the cultivation layer at planting appeared to affect availability of soil mineral N to the growing crop. At planting in 1998, undecomposed crop residue amounted to 53.6% at Bethlehem, 32.5% at Kroonstad and 46.9% at Petrusburg of that added at harvest in 1997. Soil mineral N was lower at planting in 1998 compared to 1997 due to decomposing residue (C:N ratio of above 73) in the cultivation zone immobilizing soil mineral N. This reduced initial growth, N accumulation, yield, and grain protein percentage without additional fertilizer N. Distribution of soil mineral N showed notable amounts in the 600-1200 mm soil layers, with limited changes over the trial period. This was linked to low root exploration of these soil layers (10-15% of total root distribution). The ratios of soil mineral NH(4+):N0(3)- for the different soil layers indicated similar values over the trial period. Climatic data for the localities indicated differences in the amount and distribution of rainfall and temperatures during the study period, which influenced crop development, yield and grain protein percentage. At Bethlehem above average in-season rainfall was measured during 1997, at Kroonstad average rainfall and at Petrusburg below average in-season rainfall. Response to applied N at the localities varied in magnitude during 1997. Nitrogen application significantly increased N concentrations of plant components, N uptake, yield and grain protein percentage, although values for all these parameters were lower in 1998 than in 1997. Indeed higher yields were produced in 1997 (mean=1.838 t ha(-1)) compared to 1998 (mean=0.980 t ha(-1)). A significant yield response to applied N was measured at the two higher yielding localities in both cropping years, but there was no significant response at the lower yielding locality. The limiting factors appeared to be the availability of soil water and residual soil mineral N. From the calculated response functions, the variables soil water content at planting, soil mineral N content at planting, in-season rainfall, and added fertilizer N explained the bulk of the variations in grain protein percentage, plant N uptake, and yields. It was concluded that the present fertilizer N recommendation system for dryland wheat production, which is based on fertilizer response curves for specific yield potentials, should be augmented by using initial soil mineral N and water contents in the profile measured prior to planting.Item Taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott] production by small-scale farmers in KwaZulu-Natal : farmer practices and performance of propagule types under wetland and dryland conditions.(2004) Shange, Lindiwe Princess.; Modi, Albert Thembinkosi.Ethno-archaeological evidence shows that taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott] originated in Asia. It may have been brought into South Africa a few hundred years after 300 BC from Madagascar, where Malaysian settlers introduced it about 300 BC. The crop is grown in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, largely for subsistence on farms. In South Africa, taro is mainly produced in the subtropical coastal belt, stretching from Bizana in the Eastern Cape to the KwaZulu-Natal north coast. Although it is a staple crop for the subsistence farmers who grow it, there are no data on taro agronomy in South Africa. The hypothesis of this study was that traditional knowledge about taro production practices is not adequate to form a basis for agronomic and extension interventions to promote the status of the crop to that of a commercial commodity. A survey was conducted at two districts in KwaZulu-Natal, Umbumbulu and Ndwedwe, where taro is a staple crop. The objective of the survey was to determine the cultural practices associated with taro production, including knowledge about varieties, agronomy, plant protection, storage and marketing. Qualitative data obtained from the survey was used to plan an investigation into the agronomy of taro. The survey showed that subsistence farmers at Ndwedwe and Umbumbulu used traditional methods for taro production that had very small influence from the extension services from the Department of Agriculture. The farmers identified three varieties of taro, which they designated as the "red", "white" and "Zulu" types. The "red" and "white" designations were based on consistent crop morphological characteristics. This finding confirmed the reliability of indigenous knowledge for crop classification.The survey also revealed that wetland and dryland conditions are used to produce taro. At Umbumbulu, production occurred predominantly under dryland conditions, whereas at Ndwedwe there was an almost even utilisation of both wetlands and drylands. At both locations, the farmers estimated plant spacing using their feet, which showed that the plant populations would be about 18400 plants ha(-1). Full corms were a predominant type of propagation material. In the light of the survey findings about site types (wetland or dryland), propagation material and plant spacing for taro production, field experiments were designed to 1) determine the effect of site type on taro production, 2) compare three propagule types (full corm, full corm with a shoot and half corm) in taro production and 3) examine the effect of planting density (18400, 24600 and 37000 plants ha(-1) on the performance of propagules with respect to production under wetland and dryland conditions. Field experiments showed that wetland cultivation improved taro yield by 40% compared with dryland production. However, in each of the two site categories, there were significant differences between sites. Using full corms with shoots also enhanced taro yield (42% > full corms without shoots and 66% > half corms), when means were determined across all sites and planting densities. Increasing planting density also caused an increase in taro production (4.9 t ha (-1), 6.8 t ha (-1) and 11.5 t ha (-1), for 18400,24600 and 37000 plants ha,(-1), respectively; LSD (0.05) = 1.4 t ha,1). The enhanced performance of taro under wetland conditions, where corms with a shoot were used and at high planting densities may have been associated with photosynthetic efficiency. Wetland conditions and corms with shoots improved plant emergence and plant growth, which are essential agronomic conditions for efficient capture of the sun's energy for photosynthesis. It is proposed that using propagules with shoots and high plant populations under dryland conditions could enhance taro production. Although wetland cultivation enhanced yield, the survey showed that the total area of land that could be used for wetland cultivation at Ndwedwe and Umbumbulu was too small to warrant sustainable wetland production.Item Distribution and severity of herbicide resistance in the Republic of South Africa.(2001) Smit, J. J.No abstract available.