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Perception of health needs and HIV/AIDS threats in rural and urban Zulu-speaking adults.

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This study sought to investigate the relationship between variables .common to models of health behaviour, and the role of demographic and contextual variables in determining or influencing AIDS health protective behaviours. In addition, the perceived and stated health needs and 'priorities of the sample were investigated. The overall intention of the study was to inform HIV/ AIDS interventions in the region. A sample of fifty Zulu-speaking adults were randomly selected from a rural area and an urban area within the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands. Data was obtained using a simple questionnaire together with a structured interview. Data was collected by Zuluspeaking assistants. The design and instruments were based on the findings of a pilot study conducted in the same area. The resul􀁶 of the study showed a close relationship between perceived health needs and identified social and environmental problems. HIV/ AIDS .and other sexually transmitted diseases were not perceived by those sampled as a health priority. Results indicated that knowledge of HIV/ AIDS was relatively low and responses tended to be stereotyped. There was some indication of an awareness of personal vulnerability and self-efficacy, but subjects' responses suggest that this was not translated into healthprotective behaviours. Culture, gender, age, education and rural/urban classification were found to be associated with the prioritisation of health needs and explanations of ill-health. Urban/rural classification was found to be significantly related to knowledge score and efficacy score, and gender was significantly related to the behaviour score. It was concluded that while many of the variables included in the theoretical models of health behaviour were useful in explaining such behaviour in the population studied, demographic and contextual factors were paramount in determining and influencing decisions about health.


Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.

