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An evaluation of effectiveness of employment equity implementation at Impendle Municipality.

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Employment equity implementation is particularly important in South Africa as the country was characterised by segregation laws that existed during the apartheid era. The segregation resulted in inequitable representation of different demographic groups in the workplace. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of employment equity at Impendle municipality. The research aimed to explore the epidemic of poor audit outcomes owing to hiring of personnel with no qualifications and/or skills but reflecting numbers in compliance with employment equity. The main focus of the study was based on four objectives identified, i.e. targeted recruitment and selection, retention, diversity management as well as training and development. The research employed quantitative approach using descriptive research design. The research made use of a survey strategy because of its dependability. Probability sampling was made use of using the stratified sampling approach where sixty six (66) participants were selected out of a target population of eighty (80) by guidance of the Sekaran and Bougie (2013:431) table of sample size. The questionnaire was used for data collection because of its ability to reduce the variability of responses as well as the fact that it facilitated collection of data at a minimal cost. The research made use of self-administered structured questionnaires containing closed-ended questions, where respondents were provided with a set of answers from which to select the perceived response. The questionnaire responses were analysed using descriptive data analysis by use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 20. The results of the study revealed that targeted recruitment and selection of employees from within designated groups achieves employment equity and that retention strategy has a positive impact in fulfilling employment equity. In terms of diversity management and training and development, the study revealed that these are still development areas as diversity as well as training and development are not working towards attainment of employment equity. This implies that there is still a wide rift between employment equity and practices by employers in South Africa. It is recommended that further studies that will cover a number of municipalities be conducted in order to get a fair representation as employment equity is an important national blip.


Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.

