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The relationship between black tax, poverty, and educational levels: a case study in Mbizana Local Municipality=Ubudlelwano phakathi kwebhekelelamndeni, ubuhlwempu, namazinga emfundo: ucwaningonto lukaMasipala wasekhaya waseMbizana.

dc.contributor.advisorKhan, Sultan.
dc.contributor.authorNtakana, Unathi Mamsie.
dc.descriptionDoctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study investigated the relationship between Black Tax, poverty, and educational levels at Mbizana Local municipality. The main assertion for this study is that black employed graduates are expected to pay back their family members and relatives for assisting them through higher education. These expectations may be spoken or unspoken. Employed black professionals fulfil these honour-bound commitments that are driven by different motives such as obligation, duty, Ubuntu, reciprocity, altruism, and sometimes coercion. They take care of their parents, pay siblings’ school fees, and ensure that all essential needs are taken care of in their homes; some go an extra mile of financially assisting their distant relatives. This sharing of one’s financial resources is generally termed Black Tax. This study employed the mixed methods approach which is infixed in the post-positivist worldview. The post-positivist worldview acknowledges that research is influenced by a researcher’s identity, and thus objectivity is pursued by admitting that there are biases that need to be addressed because complete objectivity is tainted by human errors and utilised instruments. The data was collected from 250 respondents using purposive sampling to potential Black Taxpayers of which 50 face-to-face interviews were undertaken. The data was then analysed using IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 28 on Windows 10. Data was presented in figures, tables, and charts. The findings of this study revealed that Black Tax fundamentally affects most black employees irrespective of their level of education or social class. Most black employed professionals are closely associated with unemployed and illiterate people which makes it extremely hard for them to focus on building generational wealth for their children. Black Taxpayers are encouraged to invest in financial literacy and actively involve their dependents in the process. Iqoqa Lolu cwaningo lwahlola ubudlelwano phakathi kokubhekelela abazali nomndeni (Black Tax), ubuhlwempu, kanye nezinga ngokwemfundo kuMasipala waseKhaya waseMbizana. Ukuqinisa okunqala kulolu cwaningo wukuthi abamnyama asebeqede ukufunda abasebenzayo balindeleke ukuba bondle imindeni yabo nezihlobo ngenxa yokubaxhasa kwabo ngesikhathi befunda ezikhungweni zemfundo ephakeme. Lokhu kwenziwa kushiwo noma kungashiwongo. Asebeqashiwe abamnyama bakwenza lokhu ngenxa yezizathu eziningi ezifana nokuzibophezela, ukuyibona ifanele ukwenziwa le nto, Ubuntu, ngokuvumelana, ukukhathalela umndeni kanti kwesinye isikhathi kuba yimpoqo. Banganakelela abazali, bakhokhele izingane zakwabo imali yesikole, futhi baqinisekise ukuthi zonke izidingongqangi ziyanakekelwa emakhaya akubo; abanye bayadlula kulokho basize nezihlobo ngemali. Lokhu kulekelela umndeni ngemali yakho sekwaphiwa igama lokuthi yiBlack Tax (ibhekelelamndeni). Lolu cwaningo lwasebenzisa indlelakwenza engxube egxile kuleyo ndlelakubuka eyipost-positivist. Indlelakubuka ipost-positivist igcizelela ukuthi kunethonya ocwaningweni ukuthi umuntu uwubani, kanti kulandelwa ukungachemi ngokuvuma ukuthi kukhona ukwenzelela okumele kuqashelwe ngoba ukungachemi kuphazanyiswa amaphutha okuba umuntu kanye nezinsiza ezisetshenziswayo. Imininingo yaqoqwa kubabambiqhaza abangama-250 kusetshenziswa ukuqoka ngokwenhloso yabakhokhintela abamnyama, kanti kwabangama-50 kwenziwa inhlayalwazi bukhoma. Imininingo yahlaziywa ngokusebenzisa insiza eyaziwa nge-IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 28 on Windows 10. Imininingo yethulwa ngokusebenzisa izithombezibalo, amathebula kanye namashadi. Imiphumela yalolu cwaningo yakhombisa ukuthi iBlack Tax iyabathinta bonke abamnyama abasebenzayo kungakhathaleki izinga lemfundo yabo noma izinga abakulo ngokwempilo. Abamnyama abasebenzayo abayifundele imisebenzi bahlobene kakhulu nabangaqashiwe kanye nabangafundile kanti lokhu kwenza kube umqansa ukugxila ekwakheleni izingane zabo ingcebo yezizukulwane ngezizukulwane. Abakhokhi bentela abamnyama bayakhuthazwa ukuba batshale ekuthuthukiseni ulwazi kwezezimali futhi babandakanye nezingane zabo kule nqubo. en_US
dc.subject.otherBlack tax.en_US
dc.subject.otherPoverty--Mbizana Local Municipality.en_US
dc.subject.otherEducation--Mbizana Local Municipality.en_US
dc.titleThe relationship between black tax, poverty, and educational levels: a case study in Mbizana Local Municipality=Ubudlelwano phakathi kwebhekelelamndeni, ubuhlwempu, namazinga emfundo: ucwaningonto lukaMasipala wasekhaya waseMbizana.en_US


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