Assessing talent management and organisational trust as precursors to job embeddedness.
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Owing to the increase of globalisation, technology and the volatile work environment that organisations currently face, the element of job embeddedness and its effect on labour turnover necessitates an operational and vigorous approach (Hashim, Ishak & Hilmi, 2017). Research shows that job embedded ness increases work performance and organisational commitment (Chan, Ho, Sambasivan & Ng, 2019; Shen & Jiang, 2019). However, there is limited research concerning the effect of Human Resources (HR) functions (talent management) and organisational trust, on job embeddedness; instead, it is viewed as a mechanism used to reduce labour turnover as a result of the costs associated with it. Previous studies have failed to determine the impact of talent management and organisational trust on job embeddedness, especially in the South African economy.
This study was conducted in a large parastatal organisation that provides bulk potable water in KwaZulu-Natal and used a simple random sampling technique to draw a sample of 196 employees whilst ensuring representivity. Data was collected using electronic questionnaire surveys, and the psychometric properties (validity and reliability) were statistically assessed
using Factor Analysis and Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha respectively. The data was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The results demonstrate that talent management and organisational trust are critical precursors to job embeddedness and, organisations are encouraged to apply vigorous and conscious approaches to talent management and organisational trust in an effort to increase job embeddedness thereby reducing organisational turnover. This study provides guidelines, recommendations and a model for the implementation of strategies for enhancing job embeddedness in the workplace. This model will assist the organisation to increase job embeddedness through consistent approaches to talent management using fair and objective processes, equal opportunities for all employees, ensuring transparency and continuously creating and sustaining a climate of trust.
Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.