Influence of rainfall on quality of service at multilane roundabouts and its time headway implications.
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Roundabouts, or traffic circles as they are often called in South Africa, are priority
intersections with a unique yield rule. Drivers approaching the roundabout must give way to
those that are already circulating the central island. The fixed features and yield rule do not
change relative to rainfall; however, vehicular flow rate and driver behaviour are often affected
by ambient conditions like rainfall among others. Consequently, in this the study the influence
of rainfall on the quality of service delivery at multilane roundabouts and their implications
for time headways have been investigated. Based on the hypothesis that rainfall, irrespective
of intensity, has adverse effects on the quality of service delivery and time headway at
roundabouts, an impact study was carried out in Durban, South Africa. Entry, circulating
traffic flow rate and rainfall data were collected at four selected sites in Durban, South Africa.
Over one million traffic volume data was collected during the August 2016 to February 2017
rainy season. The key selection criterion is proximity to an active rain gauge. Empirical data
were collected continuously for six weeks on each selected roundabout. Rainfall data were
collected from surface rain gauge stations with a distance range of 0.75km – 1.18km from the
selected sites. Three classes of rain precipitation intensity (i) (light rain, i < 2.5mm; moderate
rain, 2.5mm < i ≤10mm; and heavy rain 10mm < i ≤ 50mm) were considered. Very heavy rain,
with an intensity greater than 50mm/h, was not considered because of associated drag force
and aquaplaning which might be difficult to separate from the rainfall effect. Daylight data
were separated into peak and off-peak traffic periods. Peak period data were used to develop
a quality of service criteria table and the off-peak data were used to determine traffic flow rate
performance. Passenger car equivalent (PCE) values used to convert vehicles per hour to pce
per hour was investigated for analytical suitability given rainy conditions. Entry flow rate was
used as a function of circulating flow rate to model entry capacity and, hence, determine the
reserve capacity. Initially, both linear and exponential models were used, in turn, to test for
analytical suitability. Linear model was the preferred after exponential function failed
empirical tests. Linear function was used to model the relationships between entry and
circulating traffic flow rates. The ensuing entry capacity was also used in conjunction with
headway and degree of saturation to estimate entry delay under dry, light, moderate and heavy
rainy conditions. The impact study reasons that quality of service is not the same as level of
service, hence, the criteria table cannot be the same. This is a clear departure from Highway
Capacity Manual (HCM) prescription for roundabout level of service criteria table. The novel
quality of service criteria table prescribed in this thesis, has delay and reserve capacity as the
key determinants of service grade. It is also referred to as Functional Quality of service (FQS)
in the thesis. FQS criteria table was developed for each study site and used to assess their
service delivery. The criteria table was divided into six classes (A to F), where A is the best
grade and F is the worst. In any case, traffic performances were analysed and results show
that; i) there is no significant difference between South Africa passenger car equivalent values
and those estimated in the study; ii) the novel criteria table developed in the study is an
effective determinant of FQS delivery at roundabouts; iii) entry traffic flow rate rates
decreased because of rainfall and by extension induced a reduction in quality of service
delivery at all surveyed sites; iv) entry delay and attendant queue increased during rainfall; v)
time headway increased and entry reserve capacity decreased because of rainfall. It has been
concluded that rainfall has an adverse effect on the FQS and also, that heavy rainfall has the
most significant impact on FQS at roundabouts. It is proposed that in future research, on
roundabout entry capacity estimation based on polynomial quadratic function where the
single-variable quadratic polynomial would have density as the independent variable and flow
rate as the dependent be considered.
Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering. University of KwaZulu-Natal. Durban, 2018.