Student perceptions of the University of KwaZulu-Natal brand.
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All higher education institutions require a brand that can be honest, trustworthy and which distinguishes them from others. It is vital for every higher education institution to know what it is that enables them to establish improved associations with the various stakeholders linked to the institution. Higher education institutions that are aware of their capabilities and offerings are better suited to market themselves as the best, thus creating a niche market and thereby adding prestige to the brand. This can also benefit the institutions in terms of understanding their customers and their students.
The aim of this study was to determine how the UKZN brand can be improved upon. Furthermore, the study aimed to identify student perceptions of the UKZN brand. Due to the insightful input required, a qualitative study which was exploratory in nature was adopted. Face-to-face interviews with 12 participants (students) from each of the five UKZN campuses were conducted using a semi-structured interview schedule. Those participants who were selected shared their insightful experiences, thus enabling the achievement of the study’s objectives.
The core findings were that students generally experience challenges in terms of the support structures, facilities, resources and amenities. Further to this, there is a lack of social interaction amongst students in terms of social and recreational activities, as well as the differing views with regard to the students’ positive perception in comparison to the public’s negative perception of the brand. The analysis of the data found that whilst UKZN is viewed negatively by the public, stakeholders and some students, it is a good university with a good brand. The offerings provided by the university are of great value and benefit to students who participated in the study. In light of the preceding statement, various recommendations such as reinforcing the positive aspects of UKZN and establishing an awareness of the brand have been put forward to address the challenges faced by students as well as the ways in which the negative perception of the brand can be changed. This will ensure that potential students, stakeholders and the public will view all the positive elements and offerings of the UKZN brand.
Master’s Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.