Exploring consumers’ perceptions of using celebrity endorsers to advertise cosmetics in the Chinese beauty industry.
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This study aims to explore consumers’ perceptions of using celebrity endorsers to advertise cosmetics within China’s beauty industry. A plethora of research has established that a favourable celebrity endorser has the power to persuade consumers into making a purchase of a cosmetic product, by enhancing an organisations’ brand image, brand loyalty and brand awareness. Seeing as China’s female consumers represent a lucrative market segment for marketing teams to infiltrate within the beauty industry, a questionnaire was administered for the purpose of uncovering whether a relationship exists between the use of celebrity endorsers as an advertising strategy and consumers’ perceptions of celebrity endorsers; and to determine the impact that this relationship has regarding an organisation’s brand image, brand loyalty, brand awareness and Chinese media platforms and coverage on consumers’ purchase intentions and perceptions. A sample of 217 consumers from a popular cosmetic franchise named Sephora located at six shopping malls in Dalian, North of China, was extracted for data collection using the convenience sampling technique. The data collected was evaluated in order to test the hypotheses of the study and the researcher employed both descriptive and inferential statistics. The empirical findings indicate that a significant difference exists among consumers’ perceptions of celebrity endorsers, Chinese media platforms and coverage within the beauty industry, celebrity endorsers’ influence on brand image, brand loyalty and brand awareness. It was also discovered that Chinese consumers are inclined to purchase a cosmetic product if the celebrity endorser is famous, white-skinned and from a western country. The results generated from this study created a framework which elucidates the recommendations for enhancing the understanding of consumers’ perceptions of celebrity endorsement. This framework is beneficial to marketing teams who aspire to improve advertising strategies, brand image, brand loyalty, brand awareness, and achieve an inordinate amount of media coverage using popular social media platforms in China.
Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.