An evaluation of priority and fractional methods of water allocation in the Sand River catchment, South Africa.
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The development and apportionment of water resources is a critical issue, both globally and
locally in South Africa. This is particularly true in the development and allocation among
states sharing watercourse systems. The competition inherent in access to water resources is
increasing. In particular, pressure is being placed on water resources from several activities
including irrigation, domestic consumption and industrial requirements. Water allocation
mechanisms are therefore critical to sustain the existing allocatable water resources while
attempting to combine both efficiency and equity principles. The National Water Act of South
Africa (Act 36 of 1998) (NWA (36, 1998)) incorporates both institutional and legal policy
which promotes the efficient, equitable and sustainable management of water resources. The
aims of the NWA (36, 1998) are achieved by a movement away from a Riparian Rights
system (a property adjacent to a water course is allowed reasonable use) to an Administrative
System (Hallowes et al., 2008). The inception of an Administrative System for the allocation
of water in South Africa is vital given that a number of catchments in South Africa have
reached a state of being fully developed and more than 50% of the 19 water management
areas in South Africa are water stressed, i.e. the demand exceeds the supply (DWAF, 2004).
The NWA (36, 1998) makes allowance for only one right to water; that being the Reserve,
which consists of two components, the ecological requirement and basic human needs. The
management of the resource is important because the NWA (36, 1998) states that the water
resources within South Africa are to be protected, used, developed, conserved, managed and
controlled in accordance with the National Water Resources Strategy (DWAF, 2004).
The water allocation method currently applied in South Africa is referred to as a Prioritybased
River and Reservoir Operating Rule (PRROR) institutional arrangement. Under
PRROR, when there is a risk of a reservoir or river failing to meet the supply demanded,
restrictions are applied to abstractions. The priority extends not only to those who have the
priority of use but which users will relinquish water to the higher priority users and by what
quantity. Disadvantages of PRROR include the inability of the Water User to manage their
water to meet their needs and are then forced into using it when the water is available.
Possible alternate allocation methods include Fractional Water Allocation and Capacity
Sharing (FWACS), public water allocation and prior rights systems. The PRROR as currently
implemented leads to high priority sectors having dominance over access to water which may
lead to those sectors not using water efficiently. The introduction of FWACS creates an
atmosphere of water awareness and being responsible for managing water use.
In this study, the MIKE BASIN model was used in the simulation of the processes of the
PRROR and the FWACS allocation methods. The model routes water based on rules specified
for the allocation method under review. The efficiency of each allocation method was
evaluated in terms of the reliability of supply to Water Users. In the catchment used as a case
study (Sand River Catchment), limited information on Environmental Water Requirement
(EWR) was available and the EWRs were set as minimum flows at each reservoir and then set
as a minimum flow requirement at a downstream node to prevent Water Users downstream of
the dam from immediately abstracting the EWR release. Based on data used in the case study
and the rules applied to each scenario, the results from the initial study indicated that PRROR
provides a 4% higher reliability of supply in comparison to FWACS in the catchment under
investigation. This is true when the supply to a Water User is similar between scenarios.
However, if the fractions allocated in FWACS are varied away from this baseline, results
indicate that a 50% increase on the original FWACS fractions provides for better reliability of
supply. Thus the results show that although PRROR is an alternative method for determining
water allocation to water users, FWACS+50 is able to improve on the water reliability of
supply within the Sand River Catchment.
Master of Science in Environmental Hydrology.
Water resources development--South Africa., Water-supply--South Africa., Theses--Environmental hydrology.