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Managing stakeholder complexities: a model to curb project cost overruns in the construction industry in South Africa=Ukulawula ubunkimbinkimbi kwalabo abanesabelo: Imodeli yokuthiba izindleko zephrojekthi ezigijimela phambili embonini yokwakha eNingizimu Afrika.

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Project cost overruns present major economic problems for financiers, governments, clients, companies, the supply chain, and the community. Meeting the project’s budget is one of the major objectives in completing a project successfully, and the exhaustion of finances may result in project discontinuation. It is alarming that previous and current studies have shown on-going project cost overruns within the construction industry. Joint project interdependency complexities between diverse project stakeholders in the project life cycle are implicated as one of the major causes of project budget overruns. However, there has been limited research and available literature on project stakeholder complexities' impact on the project budget within the South African construction industry. Therefore, this study focused on project-stakeholder cost overruns causes and established the extent to which construction project managers can effectively and efficiently liaise with stakeholders to curb stakeholder complexities and cost overruns. Construction project managers registered with the Construction Professional board participated in this study. The mixed method research approach was employed for this study by integrating both quantitative and qualitative research paradigms in data collection and analysis to draw inferences. A quantitative research approach focused on positivism paradigm, which utilises mathematical procedures and methods to statically explain the research phenomena. A qualitative research approach focused on interpretivism paradigm, which draws research phenomena understanding, emanating from numerous behavioural trends, processes, reflections, cultural and social contexts. Concurrent triangulation design was used by simultaneously collecting and discussing quantitative and qualitative approaches, aimed to better understand the study of interest by comparing and contrasting study findings to produce well-validated conclusions. Here, online questionnaires and structured interviews were the applied data collection techniques guided by a pragmatism philosophical worldview. One-hundred and fifty-two online questionnaires were completed and analysed, using SPSS to obtain quantitative data. To obtain qualitative data, thirteen interviewees participated and NVivo was used to analyse transcribed responses. The findings showed that the number of projects completed and scope changes, are central to stakeholders-related complexities contributing to budget overruns. Furthermore, the findings showed that factors comprising incompetency, local community strikes or unrest, market conditions, South African regulatory framework, reworks and contract misunderstanding, significantly contribute to project budget overruns. An iterative project-stakeholder budget overrun mitigation model was developed, and a template incorporating all the stages of the construction project life cycle was included, which will be jointly used to alleviate project-stakeholder budget overruns. Iqoqo Izindleko zephrojekthi ezigijima phambili ezinkingeni ezinkulu ezikhona njengamanje kwabanikezela ngemali, ohulumeni, amakilayenti namabhizinisi. Ukubhekana nesabelomali sephrojekthi yikhona okuyizinhloso ezinkulu ekuqedeni iphrojekthi ngempumelelo kanye nokuqedwa amandla kwezimali okungaholela ekungaqhubekini kwephrojekthi. Kuyethusa ukuthi ocwaningweni olwedlule nolwamanje lukhombisa ukwedlulela kwezindleko eziqhubekayo zephrojekthi phakathi embonini yokwakha. Ubunkimbinkimbi obuhlangene nephrojekthi encikene phakathi kwabehlukene abathintekayo bephrojekthi kumzungezompilo wephrojekthi ongena njengenye yezimbangela ezinkulu zokwedlulela kwesabelomali sephrojekthi. Nakuba kunocwaningo olungenele nokubuyekezwa kwemibhalo okutholakele kumthelela wobunkimbinkimbi kwabathintekayo bephrojekthi kusabelomali yephrojekthi embonini yokwakha eNingizimu Afrika. Ngakho-ke, lolu cwaningo lugxile ekwedluleleni kwezimbangela zezindleko zabathintekayo kuyiphrojekthi nokwakhiwa kwezinga abaphathi bamaphrojekthi ezokwakha abangasebenzisana ngayo kahle nabathintekayo ukuze kuthitshwe ubunkimbinkimbi kwabathintekayo nokwedlulela kwezindleko. Abaphathi bamaphrojekthi ezokwakha babhalise nebhodi Labafundele Ukwakha, iConstruction Professional board ababambe iqhaza kulolu cwaningo. Lolu cwaningo lwalandela indlelakwenza yocwaningo endlelangxube kwaphinde kwsetshenziswa zombili izinjulalwazi eyocwaningobunjalo botho neyocwaningozinombolo ngenkathi kuqoqwa imininingo kanye nokuhlaziya ukuze kutholakale umqondo. Indlelakwenza yocwaningozinombolo yayigxile kwinjulalwazi iphozithivizimu, eyayisebenzisa izinkambiso zezibalo nezindlela ukuze ichaze ngokwezibalomidanti okuvelayo kocwaningo. Indlelakwenza yocwaningo locwaningo lobunjalo botho yayigxile kuyinjulalwazi yomhumusho, eholela ekuqondeni okuvezwa ucwaningo, okuvela ezinkambisweni eziningi zokuziphatha, izinqubo, ukubuyiseleka, izimo zenhlalo nesiko. Isifanekisomumo sendlelakwenza yocwaningo engxube eyenzeka sikhathisinye yasetshenziswa kanye kanye kuqoqwa kubuye kuxoxiswane ngezindlelakwenza zocwaningozinombolo nocwaningo lobunjalo botho, kuhloswe ukuqonda kangcono okuthandwa ucwaningo kuqhathaniswa kubuye kufananiswe okutholwe ucwaningo ukuze kukhiqizwe isiphetho esiqinisekile. Lapha kwasetshenziswa uhlu lwemibuzo lwe-inthanethi kanye nezimposambuzo ezisakuhleleka okwakungamaqhingakwenza asetshenziselwa ukuqoqa imininingo aqondiswa ukubukajikelele ngobunzululwazi bendlelakubuka yenjulalwazi yokungenzeka. Uhlu lwemibuzo lwe-inthanethi oluyikhulu namashumi amahlanu nambili lwagcwaliswa lwaphinde lwahlaziywa kusetshenziswa iSPSS ukuze kutholakale imininingo yocwaningozinombolo. Ukuze kutholakale imininingo yocwaningo lobunjalo botho, ababamba iqhaza babuzwa imibuzo baba ishumi nantathu lapho kwasetshenziswa iNVivo ukuhlaziya izimpendulo zokuloba okuqoshiwe. Okwtholwa ucwaningo kwakhombisa inani lamaphrojekthi aqedwa kanye nezinguqo zomklamo okuyikhona kungumongo kubunkimbinkimbi obuhlobene nathintekayo kwaneqhaza ekwedluleleni kwesabelomali. Ngaphezu kwalokho, okwatholwa ucwaningo lwakhombisa izimo eziqukethe ezingenalo ikhono, iziteleka zendawo noma imibhikisho, izimo zezimakethe. Uphiko olushaya imithetho lwaseNingizimu Afrika, lusebenza kabusha luphinde lwakhe ukungaqondi, okuneqhaza ekwedluleleni kwesabelomali sephrojekthi. Kwasungulwa isabelomali sabathintekayo bephrojekthi ephindaphindekayo kokwedlulela kwimodeli yokuthambisa kuthambisa, kanye nokufakwa kwethemplethi ehlanganisa zonke izigaba zomjikelezo wempilo yephrojekthi yokwakha, ezazizostshenziswa ngokuhlanganyela ukudambisa ukwedlulela kwesabelomali sabathintekayo bephrojekthi.


Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.

