Prediking as liturgiese gebeure.
The concern of this thesis is centered in what it considers to be the problem that the present-day Church wrestles with in its liturgical
ministry. It offers as its answer to this problem a concept of relevance, it is, to understand man as an existential being in relation to the liturical structures within the Church. The conclusions which this thesis derives from a Biblical-theological anthropology attempts a fresh approach in understanding modern man. This understanding is broadened by the insights derived from the Psychological and Sociological perspectiveness of modern man's own life. The question being answered is: What is man for the preacher? In its variety of traditions and through its theologians the Church throughout the ages has worshipped and described its worship. From this information worship is defined so as to contextualise preaching.
Psychology in relation to human behavior, helps the preacher to formulate principles which make worship relevant to modern man. Fundamental to this approach has been the need to formulate Theological principles as well, which guarantee that worship will be Christian and Biblically sound.
Lastly preaching as a liturgical event is described. From the historical understanding of the concept, preaching is defined so as to understand the relation between preaching and other liturgical events or elements. The conclusion which the study arrives at is that relevant preaching as exposition of Scripture is the answer to the problem for the Church of being relevant to modern man.
Thesis (M.Theol.)-University of Durban-Westville, 1986.
Preaching., Theses--Theology.