Stakeholder perceptions of the selection of management staff at public schools in the Pinetown district.
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There has been a significant number of disputes being declared after every selection process each year since 1998 when School Governing Bodies were given the responsibility of selecting management staff at schools (Thurlow 2003). Also, anecdotal evidence is that there is suspicion amongst educators that unfairness and favoritism in the selection of management staff is rife. Hence, the researcher sought to develop better understanding of how the selection policy is perceived to be problematic in its implementation. With this in mind the researcher examined the perception of stakeholders, namely educators and School Governing Bodies, on the selection of management staff at public schools in a suburb in the Pinetown District. The research involved all eight schools in the Suburb which comprised two secondary schools and six primary schools. All the teachers and management staff and chairpersons of the Selection Committees of the School Governing Bodies in these schools were targeted for the study. The research instruments used for this study were questionnaires that were administered on educators and interviews conducted with the chairpersons of the Selection Committees of the Schools' Governing Bodies. The findings revealed that both the educators and School Governing Bodies were disillusioned with the current selection process. While the chairpersons of the Selection Committees expressed their dissatisfaction at the training proffered by the Department of Education, the educators indicated frustration at not being promoted and perceived the selection to be unfair and based on favoritism and nepotism. Educators also felt very ABSTRACT There has been a significant number of disputes being declared after every selection process each year since 1998 when School Governing Bodies were given the responsibility of selecting management staff at schools (Thurlow 2003). Also, anecdotal evidence is that there is suspicion amongst educators that unfairness and favoritism in the selection of management staff is rife. Hence, the researcher sought to develop better understanding of how the selection policy is perceived to be problematic in its implementation. With this in mind the researcher examined the perception of stakeholders, namely educators and School Governing Bodies, on the selection of management staff at public schools in a suburb in the Pinetown District. The research involved all eight schools in the Suburb which comprised two secondary schools and six primary schools. All the teachers and management staff and chairpersons of the Selection Committees of the School Governing Bodies in these schools were targeted for the study. The research instruments used for this study were questiormaires that were administered on educators and interviews conducted with the chairpersons of the Selection Committees of the Schools' Governing Bodies. The findings revealed that both the educators and School Governing Bodies were disillusioned with the current selection process. While the chairpersons of the Selection Committees expressed their dissatisfaction at the training proffered by the Department of Education, the educators indicated frustration at not being promoted and perceived the selection to be unfair and based on favoritism and nepotism. Educators also felt very strongly that the Selection Committees were not following procedures as legislated. The findings also revealed that both sets of stakeholders felt that the Department of Education _ should take sole responsibility for selecting management staff for schools if the perceived shortcomings are to be overcome. Recommendations emanating from the above include shifting the responsibility for the selection ofmanagement staff from that of School Governing Bodies to the Department ofEducation, co-opting department officials into the Selection Committees for their knowledge and expertise, enhancing training and capacity building programs for Selection Committees and the provisioning of counseling for unsuccessful applicants. 11 strongly that the Selection Committees were not following procedures as legislated. The findings also revealed that both sets of stakeholders felt that the Department of Education .. should take sole responsibility for selecting management staff for schools if the perceived shortcomings are to be overcome. Recommendations emanating from the above include shifting the responsibility for the selection of management staff from that of School Governing Bodies to the Department of Education, co-opting department officials into the Selection Committees for their knowledge and expertise, enhancing training and capacity building programs for Selection Committees and the provisioning of counseling for unsuccessful applicants.
Thesis (M.Ed.) - University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2006.
Theses--Education., School administrators--Selection and appointment., School administrators--Selection and appointment|zKwaZulu-Natal--Pinetown., School administrators--Selection and appointment., School administrators--Selection and appointment--KwaZulu-Natal--Pinetown., Theses--Education.