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Ukuqanjwa kwamagama amathempeli ebandleni lamaNazaretha=Naming of Temples in the Nazareth Baptist Church.

dc.contributor.advisorDlamini, Phindile Dorothy.
dc.contributor.advisorNgcobo, Tholakele Ruth.
dc.contributor.authorMsomi, Melusi Ernest.
dc.descriptionDoctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.en_US
dc.description.abstractUkuqanjwa kwamagama kuyinto ebalulekile kakhulu ngoba ayikho into engenalo igama. Ebandleni lamaNazaretha amathempeli aqanjwe amagama wonke. Ukuqanjwa kwamagama amathempeli kuwumsebenzi omkhulu futhi kunesidingo esikhulu ebandleni lamaNazaretha. Leli bandla likhula ngesivinini esikhulu, ukukhula kwalo kwenza ukuthi kwakhiwe amathempeli amaningi bese eqanjwa amagama. La magama ethiwe ngendlela ehlukile. Akha izithombe ezicacile emqondweni, umuntu owezwa okokuqala eshiwo, afise ukwazi izizathu zokwethiwa kwala mathempeli ngawo. La magama ethiwa ngezinhloso ezehlukene, okungaba ukuzichaza bona njengebandla, ukuveza imizwa nokudlulisa imiyalezo, ukuhlonipha abantu abathile, ukuchaza izinto ezithile nokunye. Aqukethe incazelo ephelele ngebandla lamaNazaretha. Amagama amathempeli ayakhombisa ukuthi aqukethe izincazelo ezithile, ezinye zihambisana nemizwa kanti ezinye izincazelo ziqukethe umlando othile webandla lamaNazaretha. Inhloso yokuqala yalolu cwaningo ukuhlola ukuthi amagama amathempeli anayiphi incazelo. Lolu cwaningo luhlose ukucubungula izincazelo ezitholakala emagameni amathempeli ngoba kuyavela ukuthi aqukethe izincazelo ezahlukene ezihlobene nemvelaphi kanye nomlando webandla lamaNazaretha. Enye inhloso yalolu cwaningo ukuhlola ukuthi amagama amathempeli aqanjwe kanjani nokuthi ngabe ikhona yini imigudu elandelwayo uma kuqanjwa amagama amathempeli. La magama aqanjwe ngezinhloso eziningi ezahlukene, okungaba ukuzichaza, ukuveza imizwa nokudlulisa imiyalezo, ukuhlonipha abathile, ukuchaza izinto ezithile nokunye. Amagama amathempeli awubunjalo bebandla lamaNazaretha ngoba amagama aqanjwe ngezinto ezithinta ibandla uqobo lwalo. Amagama amathempeli akha isithombe esiphelele ngebandla ngoba aqukethe umlando webandla lamaNazaretha. Ucwaningo luqhutshwe ngendlela kubuka i-inthaphrethivu, kusetshenziswa indlela yekhwalithethivu. Ulwazi luqoqwe ngokusebenzisa izingxoxo ezisakuhleleka, nemibhalo yocwaningo lwamagama enhlobonhlobo. Lolu cwaningo lusekelwe yinjulalwazi yesemanthiksi. Le njulalwazi ibuka izincazelo zitholakala emagameni. Ithi amagama angaba nezinhlobo ezimbili zemiqondo, okungumqondongqo (denotative) kanye nomqondosithasiselo (onnotative) umqondongqo usho incazelo yegama nje lingahlotshaniswa nalutho kanti umqondosithasiselo wegama incazelo yakhona incike ezintweni eziningi ezihlotshaniswa nalelo gama. English Abstract Naming is very important because there is nothing without a name. In the Church of the Nazarenes all temples are named. The naming of temples is a great task and a great need in the Nazarene church. This church is growing at a high speed, its growth made many temples to be built and named. These words are pronounced differently. They create clear images in the mind, a person who hears it for the first time, wants to know the reasons why these temples are named after them. These words are said for different purposes, which can be to describe themselves as a church, to express feelings and convey messages, to honor certain people, to explain certain things and so on. They contain a complete description of the Nazareth Baptist Church. The names of the temples show that they contain certain meanings, some are associated with emotions and other meanings contain a certain history of the Nazareth church. The first objective of this study is to examine the meaning of the names of the temples. This study aims to analyze the meanings found in the names of the temples because it appears that they contain different meanings related to the origin and history of the Nazarene church. Another purpose of this study is to analyze how the names of the temples are named and whether there are any procedures followed when naming the temples. These names are named for many different purposes, such as self-explanation, expressing feelings and conveying messages, honoring certain people, explaining certain things and so on. The names of the temples are the nature of the Nazarene church because the names are named after things that affect the church itself. The names of the temples form a complete picture of the church because they contain the history of the Nazarene church. The research was conducted in an intuitive way, using a qualitative method. Information was collected through structured interviews, and a variety of word research documents. This study was supported by the journal Semantics. This database looks at the meanings found in words. It says that words can have two types of concepts, which are denotative and connotative. The concept means the meaning of a word that can be associated with nothing, and the meaning of a word depends on many things associated with that word.en_US
dc.subject.otherNazarite church.en_US
dc.subject.otherIbandla lamaNazaretha.en_US
dc.subject.otherAmagama amathempeli.en_US
dc.titleUkuqanjwa kwamagama amathempeli ebandleni lamaNazaretha=Naming of Temples in the Nazareth Baptist Church.en_US


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