On the vacuolar system in maize roots.
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Root-cap cells of Zea mays L proliferate by division in the
cap meristem, and subsequently differentiate and mature as they move
towards the periphery of the cap, where ' they undergo autolysis and
are sloughed. Vacuolar ontogeny has been shown to be complex,
several different mechanisms operating not only within the root cap
tissue, but within the single cells. Vacuolar initials (provacuoles)
are formed in the meristem by the pinching off of single- or doublemembrane
bound vesiculations of the E.R. In some instances large
vacuoles appear to be formed in the mature region of the cap through
the sequestering of large organelle-free regions of cytoplasm by
vesicles and small cisternae, thought to be of E.R. origin. Further
development of provacuoles comprises their expansion and extensive
fusion, this process culminating in the formation, in a mature cell,
of just one large vacuole. The vacuoles of the mature region are
autophagically active, engulfing all types of cytoplasmic
organelle which are subsequently lysed; these vacuoles show a positive
cytochemical reaction for acid-phosphatase, further indicating that
they are lysosomal in nature. The dictyosomes of the late mature
cells are hypersecretory and autoradiographic and cytochemical
evidence indicates that the vesicles contain an accumulation of
polysaccharide. These vesicles appear to follow two secretory
pathways; firstly fusion with the plasmalemma, with secretion of
their content into the extra-protoplasmic space where it accumulates,
finally penetrating the cell wall and middle-lamella and forming
viscous polysaccharide slime on the exterior of the cap. Secondly,
these vesicles appear to be engulfed by and broken down within the
vacuoles. At this stage the vacuole expands considerably, and it
has been postulated (Berjak and Villiers, pers. corom.) that hydrolysis
of the dictyosomally-derived polysaccharide within the vacuole to
monosaccharide units results in osmotic. changes leading to an influx
of water into the vacuole, and its consequent expansion. Autoradiographic,
cytochemical and chromatographic evidence is not inconsistent
with an accumulation of monosaccharide units being at least partially
responsible for the osmotic uptake of water into the swelling vacuole.
Finally, the vacuolar membrane becomes discontinuous, allowing
hydrolytic enzymes p~esumably contained within the vacuole to come
into contact with the cytoplasm, which consequently undergoes
autolysis. At this stage the cell is sloughed from the cap.
Roots (Botany)