A demand analysis of farm labour employment in the South Coast and Midlands commercial sugarcane farming by labour categories : implications of the sectoral determination.
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The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of changes to the regulatory environme nt
governing farm labour employment since the mid-1990s on wages and employment of farm
workers in the South African sugar industry. This study may be differentiated from previous
research on the topic, e.g., Conradie (2005), Sparrow et al. (2008), Murray and van Walbeek
(2008), Bhorat et al. (2012), and Stanwix (2013) in so far as the impacts on wages and
employment are investigated for four categories of farm workers (namely, drivers, seasonal
cane harvesting staff, permanently employed elementary farm workers, and casual labour);
whereas previous studies have analysed the impacts on aggregate employment. The distinc t ion
is important because not all categories of farm workers historically earned wages less than the
real minimum wage rate and because the wage elasticities of demand for labour in sugarcane
farming are expected to vary by labour category and by sugarcane producing region. Whilst it
is well established that the wage elasticity of demand for farm labour in commercial farming in
South Africa is relatively price elastic in the long run (Sparrow et al., 2008; Bhorat et al., 2012),
no published research has determined the wage elasticities of demand for farm labour in
sugarcane farming in South Africa, per se.
The time series data on wages and employment of farm workers in sugarcane production by
large scale growers (LSGs) from 1978 to 2012 based on Labour Utilisation and Cost Survey
(LUCS) were obtained from the South African Cane Growers Association (SACGA). Analysis
of the data verifies expectations that the introduction of regulations on wage structure and
computation through the Sectoral Determination (SD) for the Farm Worker Sector in 2003 is
associated with an increase in real average cash wages and a reduction in the average real
absolute value of non-pecuniary benefits (e.g., on-farm accommodation and rations) received
by workers in sugarcane farming. Furthermore, the increase in cash-wages outweighed the reduction of non-pecuniary benefits, on average composite wages. Implementation of the SD is
also associated with an increase in standardisation of wages for relatively unskilled seasonal
and permanent farm employees, which is in line with an intended objective of the SD to
standardise the farm wage.
Whilst real average wages of workers in sugarcane farming increased by about 70% from 1978
to 2012, employment in sugarcane farming, measured as Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs)
Worker, declined by about 36% during the same period, which gives rise to a simple elastic ity
computation of -0.51 (Δemployment/Δwage = -0.36/0.7), without accounting for changes in
factors other than the wage. In order to account for other factors affecting the supply of and
demand for the various categories of farm workers in sugarcane production, econometric
techniques were used to estimate the relationships between real farm wages and employme nt
in sugarcane farming, and in turn, the wage elasticity of the demand for each category of labour
for the industry as a whole and for two particular sugarcane producing regions, the South Coast
and Midlands of KwaZulu-Natal (due to the topography of the two regions, sugarcane
production on the South Coast is relatively more labour intensive than in the Midlands). High
levels of multicollinearity in the data precluded satisfactory estimation of supply and demand
functions for farm labour using 2SLS regression techniques. Instead, the Principal Component
Analysis (PCA) extraction procedure proposed by Chatterjee and Price (1977) was used to
estimate the supply and demand functions separately. Whilst the statistical fit of the estimated
farm labour supply (demand) functions was relatively poor and satisfied, respectively, the
theoretical fit of the estimated supply of and demand for labour functions was satisfactory.
After accounting for changes in the area under sugarcane, the price per ton of sugarcane, price
index of chemicals and labour-related policy implications, estimates of the wage elasticities of
demand for the various categories of farm labour, regions and aggregate sugarcane production
by LSGs ranged between -0.028 and -0.488 in the short-run, and between -0.041 and -0.647 in the long-run. This finding that the demand for farm labour in sugarcane production is relatively
inelastic is consistent with observations that, by and large, sugarcane production methods
remained relatively unchanged in the industry and each of the two regions for the 1978-2012
period. The results further indicate that farmers adjust employment in response to a wage
change within a period of three years. Over-and-above the impact of changes in the policy on
wages, the changes in policy are associated with a further reduction in aggregate employme nt
of an estimated 4119 FTEs and 5768 FTEs in sugarcane production by LSGs in the short- and
long-run, respectively. Other things being equal, considering employment levels in 1978 and
1994, LSGs reduced employment in sugarcane farming by 6.82% and 17.1% in the short- and
long-run, respectively. This impact may be ascribed to regulation induced changes in non-wage
costs of employment, such as transactions costs and perceived risk. The results further verify
that chemicals application is a strong substitute for labour in sugarcane production (especially
in the Midlands region), and that employment of farm workers in sugarcane production is
positively related to the price of sugarcane and the extent of area planted to sugarcane.
Bearing in mind the increases in the real minimum wage of farm workers post 2012, a revision
of the current labour legislation to reduce some of the non-wage costs of employing farm
workers is recommended to help preserve employment, especially of relatively unskilled
workers in sugarcane farming. Activities that increase (reduce) the price received by farmers
for sugarcane will have a positive (negative) impact on farm labour employment, both through
the price effect, as well as an increase in the area under sugarcane. Finally, considering the trend
of declining farm employment, programmes to improve education and training of former farm
workers and other people in rural areas are important to improve their prospects of finding
employment in non-farm sectors. Furthermore, more research on compliance issues is
recommended to improve the effectiveness of compliance on the labour markets that are
covered by the SD.
Master of Science in Agriculture. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg 2016.