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Teachers’ experiences of teaching learners with violent behaviour: a case of contextually selected high schools in KwaZulu-Natal=Okwehlela othisha abafundisa abafundi abanodlame ezikoleni zamabanga aphezulu KwaZulu-Natali: ucwaningo lwezikole zamabanga aphezulu ezikhethiwe KwaZulu-Natali.

dc.contributor.advisorNdlovu, Blanche Ntombizodwa.
dc.contributor.authorFakude, Xolani Simangaye.
dc.descriptionDoctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.en_US
dc.description.abstractSchool violence is a pervasive that has received much attention from the media, highlighting its increasing occurrence and the effects it has on the school community. South African schools are not exempted to violence, particularly learner violence instigated against teachers. Due to learner violence, schools are no longer safe working environments for teachers. Hence, the main aim of this study was to explore teachers‟ experiences of teaching learners with violent behaviour in high schools. This was a qualitative case study conducted in three different settings in the Pinetown District of KwaZulu-Natal, namely urban, township and rural. A qualitative design was employed in order to tap into the teachers‟ lived experiences of teaching learners with violent behaviour, to understand factors contributing to teachers‟ susceptibility to learner violence, and to gain insight into teachers‟ perceptions of the factors influencing learners‟ violent behaviour. A purposive sample of six teachers was selected from three schools, one in each setting. Data were generated by means of in-depth interviews, a focus group and teacher narratives. Content analysis was employed to analyse data. All ethical issues were considered before embarking on data generation. The study was underpinned by the bioecological systems and transactional analysis theories. The findings of this study indicated that teachers experience various forms of violence instigated by learners against them, and these include verbal abuse, learners‟ disrespectful behaviour towards teachers, learners‟ physical abuse of teachers, and learners‟ sexual harassment of teachers. The study further revealed that the gender and age of a teacher, the teachers‟ personality and self-presentation, being new in an environment, lack of discipline towards learners, their poor communication skills, lack of insight into learners‟ personal problems, interference in learners‟ fights, and tendency not to report school violence, are some of the factors that contribute to teachers‟ vulnerability to learner violence. The study also revealed that learners‟ personal characteristics, biological dispositions, lack of respect towards others, emotional problems, family conditions, school dynamics, peer pressure, and social factors have a negative impact on the development of violence instigated by learners against teachers. Deriving from the interpretivist paradigm and guided by the two theoretical frameworks, there is a need to establish an integrative approach to combat school violence, and a collaborative effort from all stakeholders involved in the education sector is recommended. Iqoqa Udlame lwasezikoleni luwubhubhane oluke lwathola ukunakwa abezindaba, becacisa ukwenzeka kwalo okukhulayo kanye nemithelela olunayo emiphakathini yezikole. Izikole zaseNingizimu Afrikha azisele ngaphandle odlameni, ikakhulukazi udlame olwenziwa abafundi kothisba, nokuyinto lolu cwaningo olugxile kuyo. Inhlosongqangi yalolu cwaningo kwakungukuhlola okwehlela abafundisa abafundi abanodlame ezikoleni zamabanga aphezulu zaKwaZulu-Natali. Lolu cwaningonto lwekhwalithethivu olwenziwa ezindaweni ezintathu ezehlukene eSifundeni sasePhayindane yaKwaZulu-Natali, okuyizindawo zasedolobheni, zaselokishini nezasemakhaya. Umumosakhiwo wocwaningo lwekhwalithethivu wasetshenziswa ukuze kutholakale lokho okwehlela othisha ngenxa yokufundisa abafundi abanodlame, ukuqonda izinto ezifaka ukuba sengcupheni kothisha kubafundi abanodlame, nokuthola okucatshangwa othisha ngodlame lwabafundi kothisha. Isampula elihlosiwe lothisha abayisithupha lakhethwa ezikoleni ezintathu, oyedwa endaweni ngayinye. Imininingo yatholwa ngokwenza izimposambuzo ezijulile, iqembu elihlosiwe nezindaba ezixoxwa othisha. Kwasetshenziswa ukuhlaziya okuqukethwe njengesu lokuhlaziya imininingo. Konke okuqondene nendlelakuziphatha ocwaningweni kwabhekwa ngaphambi kokuba kuqoqwe imininingo. Ekuqinisekiseni ukwethembeka kokutholakele, amasu ehlukene okuqoqa ulwazi olwehlukene asetshenziswa, kanti lokhu kwakufaka izimposambuzo ezijulile ezingahleliwe ngokuphelele, iqembu elihleliwe nezindaba ezixoxwayo. Ucwaningo lwalusekelwe yizinjulalwazi ze-bioecological systems kanye ne-transactional analysis ezibheka indima yendawo yokuhlala ekuqoqeni ukuziphatha kwabafundi. Okutholakele kulolu cwaningo kwaveza ukuthi othisha behlelwa yizinhlobo ezehlukene zodlame olwenziwa abafundi kubona, kulokhu singabala ukucokofulwa ngomlomo, ukungahloniphi othisha kwabafundi, ukushaywa kothisha abafundi, nokushelwa kothisha abafundi. Ucwaningo lwaphinde lwaveza ukuthi ubulili neminyaka kathisha, ukuziphatha nokuziveza kukathisha, ukuba musha endaweni, ukungaziphathi kahle phambi kwabafundi, ukungakwazi ukukhuluma nabantu, ukungakwazi ukubona izinkinga zabafundi, ukugxambukela ezimpini zabafundi, nokungavami ukubika udlame esikoleni, ezinye zezinto ezifaka isandla ekutheni othisha babekeke engcupheni yodlame lwabafundi. Ucwaningo luphinde lwaveza ukuthi ubunjalomuntu babafundi, ukwakheka ngokwesayensimzimba, ukungabi nanhlonipho okubhekiswe kwabanye, izinkinga emoyeni, nezimo zenhlaliswano kunomthelela omubi ekukhuleni kodlame olwenziwa abafundi kothisha.en_US
dc.subject.otherSafe working environments.en_US
dc.subject.otherLearner violence.en_US
dc.titleTeachers’ experiences of teaching learners with violent behaviour: a case of contextually selected high schools in KwaZulu-Natal=Okwehlela othisha abafundisa abafundi abanodlame ezikoleni zamabanga aphezulu KwaZulu-Natali: ucwaningo lwezikole zamabanga aphezulu ezikhethiwe KwaZulu-Natali.en_US


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